✱ chapter twenty-nine

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miyoung pov

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miyoung pov

"So..." Nayoung drawed out as we sat in our desks, waiting for the teacher to come. "How was your date with Taehyung? Was it as magical as you always pictured it to be?"

Monday rolled around the corner, and sadly, we were back at school.

All weekend long I couldn't stop thinking about Taehyung and the date. We had texted a couple times, talking about if we should set up another date or whatnot.

We also talked about Jungkook. I was still confused as to why he was so angry at me, but I didn't want to be the first one to approach him like I always did when something between us happened.

Taehyung had told me that Jungkook has been extremely quiet, not answering his calls or text messages.

I was worried about Jungkook, how could I not be? One moment he seemed fine, and then the next he was stomping away, fume practically coming out of his ears.

As desperate as I was to talk to him and clear things up, I knew that it was best if I steered clear for a while. If he was ignoring Taehyung, his own best friend almost brother, then I knew it was kind of a big deal. I would probably make matters worse, knowing my defensive nature.

I bit my lip and looked at my best friend who was impatiently waiting my answer. "It was so good. I couldn't have asked for a better night."

She squealed and slapped my arm slightly. "I'm so happy for you! What about Jungkook and his date?"

"He brought Miyeon." I said, watching her eyes go wide.

"What?! Why in the world would he do that?"

I shrugged. "No clue, but she wasn't paying attention to him at all. When I confronted them about it, he got all defensive and walked away with her."

Nayoung nodded slowly. "What'd he say?"

"He said it wasn't my place to say anything, that I shouldn't jump to conclusions when I don't know shit. That I have Taehyung and I had no right to rub myself into his business." I respond, my mind flashing back to his angry face.

"Miyoung," Nayoung sighs, rubbing my shoulder. "He's kind of got a point."

I whip my head to face her, confusion evident in my features. "Huh?"

She chuckles dryly. "Why do you care so much if he had fun or not? You were on a date with Taehyung, not Jungkook. Plus, he saw that you and Taehyung were having a good time, it's pretty obvious that he got jealous."

"Jealous of Taehyung and I? Why?"

"You two were probably acting like a couple the entire time, right?" I nod my head. "Well, here you two are, kissing and whatever and he's stuck with a piece of trash who's only there for his looks and the satisfaction of saying that she went on a date with the Jeon Jungkook. He probably wanted what you and Taehyung had."

Nayoung paused. "Back to my point. Why were you so worked up about Jungkook having fun?"

I swipe my tongue across my bottom lip. "It was a date, Nayoung. Everyone should have fun on a date. He looked so bored, I felt bad."

"That's not your place to say," she responds, taking me aback. "It's true that people should have fun on a date, but originally that was your date with Taehyung. You should have been focusing on him, not checking if Jungkook was also having fun."

I was a little shocked and confused at everything Nayoung was saying. "I didn't mean any harm."

She nods. "I know you didn't. It's not your fault that he wasn't having any fun, it's his for bringing such a shitty date."

I still didn't really fully understand where Nayeon was getting at.

Was it my fault or was it his?

Was it really wrong of me to push him to telling me if his date was boring?

Was I being too intrusive?

Nayoung had a point though. Why was I so worked up over Miyeon making sure Jungkook was having fun?

I realized that I was paying more attention to Jungkook and Miyeon before they left us. I wasn't as into the date as I was supposed to.

Was I worried that they were going to plot something against me, knowing that they both held some sort of grudge against me?

This date was supposed to be about Taehyung and I. So why was I looking over at them instead of looking at Taehyung?

After they left us, that's when I started paying more attention to Taehyung. I had no reason to be looking for Jungkook and Miyeon now that they had left.

As I was thinking, the more I started realizing Nayoung had a point.

There was no need of me to be worrying over Jungkook and Miyeon when I was solely supposed to be paying attention to Taehyung and Taehyung only.

But there was still one thing about this that was bugging me.

I wanted Jungkook to have fun, and when I saw that Miyeon wasn't doing that, I felt... angry for some reason.


Maybe because Taehyung had previously told me that Jungkook hadn't been on a date in so long and he hoped that he would have fun.

Maybe I felt... pity for him?

My head was spinning with all these thoughts. I couldn't think straight. I wanted to just push these thoughts out of my mind and move on.

I was so busy trying to sort out all of my thoughts that I didn't notice someone waving their hands in front of my face.

Blinking, I snapped out of my daze to see the person I was just thinking about standing in front of me.

His face seemed conflicted, almost. He was looking everywhere but at me, his hand was rubbing the back of his neck.

He cleared his throat and looked at me in the eye.

"Can we talk?"

chapter twenty-nine

happy five years with bangtan! ❤️

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