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Chapter 6;

Your POV

"Nana..." She looked angrily at our intertwined hands. I scratched the back of my neck while Jaebum did the same.

"Explanation please." She said Gritting her teeth. I nod and looked at Jaebum. He nodded his head and sighed while getting out of the room.

"W-well as you can see.." I explained what happened while she looks at me with no emotion in her eyes..

"Y/N...." She said in a soft tone.


"DONT MAKE ME WORRy AGAIN FOR EVERYONES SAKE!" She yelled while Tears came out of her eyes as She hugged me tightly.

"You know youre the only person i trusted the most. As my bestfriend and childhood friend you have to frickin inform me that youre going somewhere else not just dissappear and not go to school. And now youre sick." She said while i widened my eyes in shock.

"Nana..... I love you.. As a friend." I rub circles on her back.

"I love you too.. hoe" She laughed.


"Tsskk i already told you i will be myself again youre the hoe." I lightly punch her arm.

"Ehhh? Can i do the same?" I looked at her shocked.

"H-have you found somebody already?" I excitedly ask her. Now shes acting all shy..

"Well.. You know me and chanyeol's past was really crazy but.... I think i have move on.. Thanks to.. J-j-."

"JAEBUM-?!" She slap me in my arm while i groaned

"UM no. Its Y-y-"

"UM just say it."

"Its B-b-"

"What the? You said earlier its 'J-j' and 'y-y' now its 'B-b'? Make up your mind forfssake." I scratch my head in confusion

"Yah let me finish.. Its L-l- AGH ITS MARK!" She said and covered her head with the pillow. Her ears turn red as she cursed.

"Someone called me?" I giggled while Nana's eyes widened.

"Oh nothin its just that NAana here l-."

I opened my eyes to see NAna and mark gone.

Wait what?


"Oh h-hey... Y/N..." He uncomfortably said. I gestured for him to sit down infront of me

"So.. What do you want to talk about again?" I asked him. Slightly hurt.

"I-im sorry... For.. Anything i have made you.. Like that." I looked at him with a serious expression.

"Its okay to be honest i have Jaebum with me already.." I said while sipping my coffee. He looked at me with wide eyes..

"Who is it? Your boyfriend?" He said excitedly. This gay-

"Yeah and you have Sehun so back off bi-." I said while waving my hand infront of him.

"Hmph.. So... Friends? I guess.." He said. We shaked hands and smiled.

"Just like how we first met i see." We laughed and my phone rings.

"Hello? Jaebum?" I said through the phone.

"Oh its her boyfriend." I heard him mumble.

"Meet me at the park later. Ill text the details.. Its okay if you have something to do.. But this is definitely the last time you'll see me like this." I mumbled a yes, confused..


"Jaebum said i will meet him in the park later.. I gotta go now Bye." He nodded his head and stand up.

"Bye Y/N.. You still have my phone number right?" He hopefully asked.

"Yeah i still have it Luhan..." He smiled and nod..

"I-ill miss you. See you next time." I said and Get out. I cant believe im still hurt..

I smiled when i think of Jaebum. He really is the perfect person for me..

Jellybum's POV


"What was that for?!"

"Hyung can you please shut up youre noisy." Aish. Im gonna kill this bi-

I stopped thinking when i looked to the front to see Y/N.

So pretty...............................


"We're not here to just see you drooling over her hyung." Jackson Said annoyed while YUgyeom and Youngjae nodded in agreement

"Tsk fine.." I walked towards Y/N with a rose in my hand. Im wearing this really cute Jumper like.. ew. I erased my tattoos Yesterday.. But i still have my piercings.

"Y-Y/N?" She Blushed and looked at me surprised.

"Ja-Jaebum? Holy fukt is that you?" I mentally laughed. I never thought someone could be so darn cute while cursing,

"No sherlock.. Anyways will you b-be Officially my girlfriend?" I nervously ask her.. She looked at me Surprised but turned into a serious mode which definitly made me more nervous.

"SAY YESSSSSS SAY YEEESSSS." I heard people chant behind me while i pray for them to die for embarrassing me more.

"Why would i say no?" She smiled and hugged me. I heard Some of them say awws and some of them even screamed and fanboyed or fangirled or whatever.

I hugged her back tightly and looked at her eyes,

"Im not done yet." She looked at me with a happy expression.

I took her hand in mine and gestured the others to move.

"Shall we go swimming my little Airhead?"

"Sure.. Thanks Jerk." She smiled and we all got in the bus. Followed by an exhausted mark and Nana.

"Where did you guys come from??" Y/N asked the two while we all nod.

"W-well.. Meet my girlfriend everyone."

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