Chapter 1

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(A/N: This chapter is taking place in the episode "New Girl in Town" but Leo will meet Venus and her sisters instead of Karai. I hope you enjoy this chapter guys!) BTW; this is right after Leo and Raph's fight.

Leo's POV:
Since Raph thinks he can lead, I let him. Why? Cause I'm tired of him and the others thinking I can't lead the team. I'm sick of having the burden of being a leader on shoulders and I'm sick of the disrespect that I get from the guys. So I ran across the rooftops just to get as far as I could from the guys.
I stopped at a roof to relax for a bit or at least to forget the recent events that happened the past couple of hours.

It was complete silence until I heard a couple of noises. Once I had turned around and grabbed my katanas at ready, it was Foot ninjas.
"Foot Clan?" I questioned. Then I chuckled a bit realizing this is going to be fun. "You guys just made my night." As usual, I took down all the Foot ninjas. That aren't such a chore to beat. I sighed knowing that part of my anger from earlier was gone. Once I thought I was done with the Foot, I heard a thud from above.

Then another......

And another...........

And another one.

There were four silhouettes on top of the billboard at in front of me. I obviously knew they're Foot ninjas, but something looked different about them from the other soldiers. I just can't tell. Before I even question who they are, one of them jumped down and landed a few feet away from me.

Once the figure looked up, I realized that the Foot ninja was a girl. But not just any normal girl, she was a mutant turtle! Just like me! She was wearing light blue mask that was braided in the back and her eyes were a forest green color. I froze in my place just by looking at her.

"Not bad." She spoke. My heart could jump out of my shell just by hearing her voice.
"Uhh....thanks." I stuttered. I was at a loss for words. She chuckled and smirked.
"You might actually be a challenge." She started walking towards me slowly. I tried to regain myself and get back into a fighting position, realizing she's still apart of the Foot. She stops and I froze thinking 'What is she going to next?'

My question got answered once the three other figures from shadows threw blinding powder at me. It stunned in my eyes which made my vision blurry. I couldn't see anything clearly! I couldn't even see what knocked me onto the ground, but once I looked up from ground it was the female ninja turtle that made froze in place earlier. She had her foot on my chest, which caused me to not get up.

"Guess not." She said to me unamused.
"My names Venus. Venus De Milo." She said to while smirking. My eyes widened at the name. It was so special and unique. I could tell it fitted her perfectly. She then took her foot off of my chest and twisted her single katana blade into her holster behind her shell.

She then winked at me and said, "See you around." She turned around towards the other three ninjas, which surprisingly they were also female ninja turtles! One wearing a twisted dark red mask, one wearing a lavender mask but tied loosely in the back, and the last one wearing a pink mask but with two braids.
They all soon disappeared jumping over the billboard sign.

I got up carefully, still being temporarily blinded by the powder. I looked where they all disappeared to and I thought about a lot of things.

What were the other girls names?

What are the guys gonna think of this?

And most importantly.

"What was that?"

(Alrighty! That's the first chapter you guys!! I'm sorry it took so long, my sister just had a wedding recently and there was soooooo much planning and rehearsing for it, I felt completely worn out😑. But I'm back and I'll try to update as soon as I can🙂, but if not please don't upset because heads up for you guys. I'm such a huge procrastinator 😅(lol) But i will try my best to update when I can. Anyways I hope you guys loved and enjoyed this chapter!😊❤️⚡️🦋)

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