Chapter 10

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Meanwhile: (In the turtles' lair)

All the boys were in the dojo right now with their sensei, "learning a lesson" as Master Splinter would say. So far, the lesson they only learn is getting hit in head multiple times really hurts. Only Leo is left to be hit with the wooden sword that Splinter has used, but he skillfully dodged it the last second. Raph rolled his eyes at his brother, enjoying his victory a little too much.

"What is the point of this anyone?" Raph asked, starting to get irritated.

"Evading a sword you cannot see demonstrates an ability to sense your enemy's intention." He stated wisely.

"But I already know my enemy's intention sensei, to take me down." Raph said.

"Knowing that, your enemy will strike as a given." He paused, "But sensing when your enemy will strike can mean the difference between victory and defeat." Raph looked down, remembering that thought. Remember when they will strike.

"Hai, sensei."

In Shredder's Lair:

"We had the alien technology in our grasp, Master." Dogpound told Shredder of the situation that had occurred almost an hour ago. Along with him: Fishface, Venus, Larota, Talena, Amoly, and Baxter kneeled to their master. They all (except Baxter) was blaming the whole situation onto Baxter, since he was the one that had found out about the weapon.

"Unfortunately, Stockman's plan was flawed." Fishface said glaring at Stockman. Shredder stared down upon Baxter.

"Is this true?" His voice echoed throughout the wide room. Baxter was hesitant to answer at first, but he realized that he could do something else to interest his master. His thoughts were interrupted, however, by Venus's voice.

"Go ahead Stockman, tell him how you managed to ruin our plans that we had set up for weeks now." She voiced harshly towards him. Her sisters smirked thinking he would try and hopelessly lie his way through this, boy were they wrong...

" yes." He said. The mutants looked at each other in confusion, thinking he was going to panic and lie about it.

"There right, it was my fault. I'm sorry." He continued. "And I'd like to make amends, that is if you'll allow me."

The shredder glared at him, but he nodded slowly, allowing him to continue.

"You see, I designed a trap for the turtles, a foolproof trap! But I need the help of some of my good friends to lure them into it." He said directing to the mutants at the last part of his statement. The shredder looked almost interested of this plan that Stockman had in mind.

"Very well," he looked at the girls before stating, "consider the girls at your disposal." The girls looked shocked at their master's statement. Venus, however, objected at this once he started turning towards his throne.

"Master, I do not take orders from hi-"

"But, you do take orders from me, do you?" Shredder interrupted her, with a cold tone. She nodded slowly, as if afraid of retaliating to him.

"Good, now go." He demanded. The girls looked at each other, hoping that this plan would hopefully work. They all turned around and walked out with Baxter, unknown of the real plan he had in store for them.

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