Chapter 11

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Leo's POV:

Me and the guys were patrolling the city on the rooftops, as usual, until Donnie told us to stop for a second.

"I got eyes on four female ninja six o'clock." Donnie stated. Then, Mikey got excited and shouted,

"Where?!" Raph groaned and turned his head towards where Donnie said they were. Once we all saw that it was Venus and her sisters he was talking about, Mikey fist bumps the air.

"Yes, Amoly's there!" He said. I rolled my eyes at him, he always thinks he's going to ask her out, but considering that she, along with her sisters, are our enemies, that seems pretty impossible to me.

Raph grabbed him by his shell and started shaking him. "Focus, would ya!" As they continue to bicker, I noticed that they all were out in the open, in the streets. And they look like they're looking for someone or something.

"What are they doing out in the open like this?" I questioned aloud, "I think we should proceed with caution guys." I was waiting for a response so I looked around for them, until I realized they were on the ground fighting the girls. I groaned at being ignored form my orders, but I quickly jumped down to join them.

3rd Person POV:
As Leo jumped down from the roof he noticed that each brother was locked into combat with one of the girls. Donnie was trying to strike at Talena with his bo staff, but she kept blocking with her tessens. Mikey and Amoly both are trying to strike at each other with their weapons, but it appears that neither want to actually do this. Meanwhile, Raph and Lara are letting neither one of the other catch a breath as they continue brawling with one another. Leo was about to help his brother out, but Venus's sword clashed with his, stopping him in his trace.

"Your fight is not with her, it's with me, Fearless!" Venus sneered at him. The fight between the guys and the girls was coming to an end when it seemed as if the guys would gain the upper hand this time. The guys cornered the girls near a building. Seeing this, Venus signaled Amoly to throw the smoke pellets at them, which she did and they retreated.

"Catch us if you can turtle chumps!!" Amoly shouted as the girls climbed up the side of the building, courtesy of the fire escape right above them.

"They're getting away!" Mikey yelled.

"Oh, the Foot princesses aren't getting' off that easy!" Raph said, as he started climbing up the same fire escape the girls did. Leo, who had a bad feeling about this, voice his thoughts.

"Raph, wait! Something's not right!" He yelled out to Raph, whose already on the rooftop of the building.

"Yeah, you talking while they're getting away!" Ralph yelled, "Now c'mon!"

Once the guys made it to the warehouse that the girls "surprisingly" stopped at for a hideout, they made their way in. Raph, hating how quiet it was, decided to speak up.

"Alright princesses, we know you're in here." He shouted. There was silence that ran through the empty warehouse.

"Raph, are you sure they we-" Leo tried to ask before he got interrupted.

"Alright boys, you got us." A voice came out, and that voice was Venus's as entered out of the shadows, and soon three other shadows followed her movement as her sisters made their way out of it.

As promising as the girls faces seemed that they were innocent, something kept bothering Leo about this while situation, but he just couldn't his finger on it.

"This is way too easy. They wouldn't go down without a fight." He whispered aloud to the guys. Raph rolled his eyes at his brother.

"Why are you always worried!" Raph said to him. Suddenly, there was a loud whirring, robotic-like noise that was heard and a giant red circle was forming around the eight turtles. Once the red circle was formed around the turtles, black and white vertical lines started to surround the turtles, caging them together against the walls. The girls smirked, realizing that the plan was setting in full motion.

"Careful guys, this may be a trap." Mikey said, stating the obvious.

Then, a loud boom of an intercom speaker started to echo.

"Welcome contestants! I'm so glad you can join us tonight!"

"Blister Stockboy!?" Leo shouted at the voice.

"It's Baxter Stockman!!" The voice (Baxter) clarified, "I'm your arch nemesis!!" Mikey laughed to himself and Donnie who decided to listen.

"I can totally think 5 nemesis's way archer than him." Amoly heard this and giggled, only to be glared at by Talena.

"You'll be playing for the ultimate prize, your lives! In the all new, family-friendly, incredibly deadly, Maze of Doom!" Baxter stated over the speaker. Then simultaneously, missiles started to project at the guys, the girls were enjoying this until the missiles started to shoot at them as well.

"Stockman! What the heck are you doing?" Lara yelled out loud. Baxter started to laugh evilly through the speaker.

"I guess I got confused, seeing as they're already so many turtles in the room." He continued to laugh until there was slamming heard through the speaker, like him slamming his fist onto a table. "I'm sick of all you freaks!"

"But why, what did we ever do to you?" Amoly shouted nicely.

"WHAT DID YOU DO!!!" Amoly flinched at the loudness of the outburst. "You treat me like dirt, under appreciate me, threaten me! Baxter Stockman doesn't make threats!"

"Are you insane, Baxter?" Talena shouted out to him. Baxter laughed again through the intercom.

"Insane!! I'm full-on-mega-crazy!!!"

"You traitor!" Venus yelled. "Once Shredder hears about this, he's g-"

"He's gonna thank me for capturing the turtles! He's gonna promote me instead of you guys! He's going to appreciate what I've accomplished while you get leftovers, as always!!" The girls out there heads down, realizing that'll be true, even the last statement. And besides, he was left in charge anyways.

"Awww, did I touch I nerve?" Baxter teased away. Lara groaned and kicked the wall in front of her.

"Doesn't matter! The second I get out of here and I see you, I'm gonna rip your head off your shoulders!" She yelled, as Baxter just laughed.

"Don't bother. We got bigger things to worry about." Talena stressed to her sister.

"Besides, even IF you get through my maze alive, you all still have to face my, Monster of-"

"Doom?" Leo interrupted. "Is it a Monster of Doom?"

"Uhh, no! Uh.... Monster of uhh...uh..uhhhh..."
"OH THE HECK WITH IT!!!" He pushed a button that caused the floor under the turtles, which caused them to fall into an bottomless pit into the unknown. Baxter laughed, realizing his plan is about to unfold precisely how he wanted it to.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 11, 2020 ⏰

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