A little too much to drink

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Tonight I'm at Club Temptation, I rarely ever get to go out and have fun but Zane said since it's my birthday I could go out. I'm finally twenty-one and I wanted to go out to a club just to see what it's like.

Of course Zane wouldn't let me go by myself even though he is well aware that I could kill someone with my bare hands. I'm sure I can take perfectly good care of myself but nope I have Atticus with me. Atticus is like two hundred pounds of pure muscle. He helps Zane pick up the bodies to be destroyed. Anyway he is more like a brother to me and some would see him as a body guard, I mean really he is that enormous. I could probably take him down if I really wanted too, ok if I caught him off guard I probably could.

He is here with me in case I over do the drinking and to make sure that I have a safe way home. No one in the real world knows me, because I'm usually not out and about. However tonight I am and I am having a blast, even though I'm basically alone.

The club is jamming and the music is extremely loud. The lights are flashing from a strobe light and there are several colors of lights beaming down on the floor. I watch a group of friends dance really close to each other bumping their bodies together and laughing; I envy them. I wish I had friends like that to hang out with.

I'm in a skin tight black dress that comes above my knees, the top part has thin straps over my shoulders and the front pushes my boobs up just right. The dress snugs against my body so perfectly showing every little curve of my body. So, I'm dancing on the floor, while Atticus is standing off to the side looking a little bored.

Someone bumps into me and I stumble but a hand catches me. When I look up I see a tall lean muscular man with wavy golden hair, with mocha eyes looking back at me.

"Sorry, kind of crowded in here." He has a sexy rough voice.

"It's alright."

He is practically yelling, "So you want to dance?"

"Sure." I don't hesitate to answer back, because I really want to dance with someone.

We are on the floor dancing and he has his hands all over my body and he keeps grabbing my ass and for some reason I don't seem offended by it but apparently Atticus is because now he is right by my side and when I look over at him I see the glare in his eyes.

I pat him on the chest smiling I say, "We're just dancing."

"Scar you don't even know him."

The wavy blonde guys says, "Dude if you are with her I'll leave but she said she wanted to dance."

Atticus is about to say something but I blurted out, "He is here with me, but were not together or anything he is like my brother."

"So you guys are more like just friends?"

"Yeah!" I say to him then look back at Atticus, "Come on I'm here to have fun for once it's my birthday."

"It's your birthday, well happy birthday; can I buy you a drink?"

"Sure." I smile back at him.

We walk off the dance floor and find a table. He orders us a drink and Atticus is standing off to the side trying to look the other way.

"You sure he's not like your body guard or something?"

"Or something," I laugh.

"It's just strange having him stand by watching us. I don't know if I should try touching you or just walk away."

"Why do you want to touch me?"

"Because you're freaking gorgeous." He smiles and places his hand on top of mine.

I start to laugh when I felt my phone vibrating. I look to see who is texting me and of course it is Zane.

Zane: We have a job to do!

Scarlett: I thought I had the night off.

Zane: Things changes, you know that. I need you here ASAP

Scarlett: Seriously, I think I've had one too many to drink.

Zane: Dammit Scar get your ass here now. I'm calling Atticus.

I roll my eyes when I put the phone away. I look at the cute guys sitting across from me. "I got to go."

"Really why?"

"That was my dad; he needs me to come home." I lie because it's not like I can say oh got to go take care of a dead guy.

"Really aren't you old enough to do whatever you want?"

"Yes and no, it's really hard to explain."

He looks at me awkwardly and then he glances over at Atticus who is walking over to the table.

"Scarlett we got to go."

"I know, I know, I'm coming."

When I stand up, I fall into Atticus and of course he is there to catch me. He mutters under his breath, "dammit Zane is going to be pissed."

"He will be fine," I shot back at him.

Blondie says, "Can I get your number?"

"Sorry, maybe I'll see you again."

Atticus didn't give either one of us time to say a proper good-bye; instead he was caring me out the door.

We get to the location; it's an office on the North side of town. I can barely stand up when I walk in.

"What the hell!" Zane is really pissed off. "How the hell are you going to do your job, you can't even stand up."

"I'm sorry." I'm trying so hard to walk straight at the moment.

He looks over at Atticus, "I told you to take her out, let her have some fun, what the hell man can't you do one simple task?"

"I said I was sorry don't be mad at him....it's all my fault, I had one too many I guess."

"You don't say, here put these gloves on. I need you to clean that area over there while Atticus and I move the body alright. Can you do that?"

Of course I can, it's not like I have never done it. So I shake my head yes. I could probably do this in my sleep. However tonight I'm really wasted and I think I'm going to pass out. I walk over to the area; blood is splattered on the wall and all over the floor. I put on the gloves and start the process of cleaning when suddenly I feel really sick and start puking in a nearby trash can.

"Seriously!" Zane hisses. "Dammit, Atticus just take her to the damn car. I will deal with her later. Get back here so we can finish this up before day light."

"Yes sir." And that is what he did. He came over to me, picked me up in his strong arms and carried me to the car without a word.

I must have passed out on the seat because a few hours later Zane is waking me up jolting me with a taser.

"What the hell!" I jump up.

"Get up."

I sit up and he slides into the back seat next to me. Ashton the driver gets in and starts the car to take us home.

Apparently I'm not allowed to fall asleep because every time I dose off he jolts me with the damn taser. My punishment for drinking too much I guess.

"Would you please stop?" I ask him nicely because I already know if I say it rudely he will slap me. I learned that lesson a long time ago.

"Don't fall asleep until we get home then." He says so with no expression.

I don't say anything back and I force myself to stay awake until we get home.


Authors Note:

Comments? Do you need more blood? More romance? Just wondering if need to add something more. What you think about Zane...there will be more about him in next chapter.

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