Giving her time

190 16 4

Song: Let her Go- Passenger

Zane POV:

I let her go, because I know that I can't make her stay. She was more hurt than pissed off. My heart just keeps on breaking.

I couldn't go to sleep at all knowing she is out there but I know where she is; she out at the lake. I pulled up Rebel's chip that we had planted in him the day we got him, it dings on the computer where he is and I know she is with him. She stayed there all night but she told me not to go after her and I am going to try my best not to.

I barely ate breakfast and now I'm in the workout room taking a beating from Marcus.

"What's going on?" I hear Atticus from across the room. "And where is Scar?"

"She never came back last night." I continue fighting.

"Do you want me to go get her?"

"No, and she is at the lake with Rebel." I fall down and get back up. "She knows the truth." I say as I swing at Marcus.

"What do you mean the truth?"

"She knows everything." I look over at him which was stupid on my part because Marcus fist comes right across my jaw bringing blood to the skin.


"Dammit yes, every god damn bit of it."

"You told her who you were?"

"She knows."

"Damn man and I guess she is not taking it well."

"She will come back; I just have to give her time."

"And you think she will forgive you that fast?"

"No, but she only has us; we are her only family. Let's just give her time to process this shit she was really pissed off at me last night."

"I don't blame her."

I glare at him. He knows everything because he was there with me that night when I took her. I finish up my good ass kicking and walk over to grab a towel and then Atticus and I head out to the pool.

Damn hours have passed and I know she is still there. She hasn't eaten a thing since she left and I know she has got to be starving by now. She is going to end up making herself sick. It's taking everything in my power not to send Atticus after her. But after another two hours I decide that I will go get her instead.

When I get to the pier she is sitting there looking out at the lake. I walk up behind her and sit down beside her. I brought Rebel some food because I know he is starving as for her I brought her a sandwich. I hand it to her but she doesn't move, not even a blink of an eye.

Shit I did this to my baby girl. I did this and I don't know how to fix it.

I sit beside her for a little while longer and she still hasn't moved, however she is breathing thank god. Seeing her this way scares the shit out of me.

"Scar talk to me; what can I do?"

She doesn't reply and she sits there like she has been frozen in time.

"Scarlett, I know I should have told you I'm sorry. I should have never kept it from you, but I just didn't know how to tell you. I knew you would hate me. I can't have you hating me."

I get up and stand in front of her and then squat down. I glare into her eyes, nothing is there. I can't let her leave me. I won't let her leave me.

"Scarlett, sweetheart snap out of it." I shake her and she doesn't move and everything I try nothing is working. Damn where has she gone too.

"Scar I'm going to pick you up and carry you home."

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