Moving in with Scarlett

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Song: I won't let you go by Switchfoot and Lauren Daigle

Mekhi POV:

We pull up to the gates and she pushes in the code for all of us to enter. We all pull up to the door so it will be easier to unload and carry stuff inside. I watch her get out and go inside. Then she comes back out with Zane and Atticus. They come over to greet my parents.

"It's been forever," says my mom as she hugs Zane.

Then my dad shakes his hand. "Hey."

"Hey it's good to see you guys; can I get you a drink?"

"Sure that would be great."

As they walk in Atticus helps me move some boxes in.

"Thanks man." I shake his hand.

"No problem anything for my girl; you better just hope you don't hurt her."

"You sound so much like her dad."

"I basically raised that girl she means a lot to me."

Scarlett comes down the steps and grabs a box.

"Hey we got this babe." I tell her.

"I'm not weak; I can help just as much as anyone else around here." She looks over at Atticus and snarls.

"I'm not saying your weak babe don't get upset."

"Fine I won't help you." She drops the box on the sidewalk and goes back inside.

Atticus laughs, "Dude if you want her to be happy just let her do what she wants."

"Got it, thanks for the tip."

We finish taking the boxes up to the room beside hers even though we all know I'll be in her room.

My parents are outside chatting with her dad like they have been close friends this whole time. I walk over. "Have you seen Scarlett?"

"No figured she was with you," says Zane.

Atticus just grins, "Check the workout room; she goes in there when she gets upset sometimes."

Zane looks over at Atticus. "Why is she upset?"

I watch as Atticus looks back at me and then at my dad. He doesn't have to say anything Zane understands what is wrong.

"I'll go look, thanks again." I tell Atticus.

"No problem man." He points me into the direction, "Go back in, take a left, and go all the way down the hall you will find her."

I follow the long hallway and the sound of music blaring. She has changed into black spandex with a black tank top; damn I love the shape of that body. She is bunching the bag hanging down from the ceiling.

When she sees me she glares at me. I walk over and hold the bag so it will stay in place. She starts kicking the hell out of it.

"Can we talk?" I ask her.

"About what?" She asks not answering my question.

"Tell me what's bothering you?"

"At the moment you." She hits it really hard knocking me back.

I can tell she is pissed so I ask her, "You want to get on the mat with me."

"Sure." I watch as she walks over and taking off her shoes.

I take off my shoes and get on the mat. She is here to fight, me I'm here to hold her, to let her know it's all going to be all right.

I let her hit me and I don't fight back; so she hits me again.

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