The Party

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Scarlett's POV:

I arrive at the Adler's Mansion right on time. I'm standing outside on the front porch debating whether or not I want to knock. The door just happens to open and Mekhi is standing in the doorway. I thought he looked super hot in the three piece suit but seeing him in a shirt with jeans, damn.

I decided to wear a mint green sun dress with matching sandals. My hair is up in a messy bun and I have ringlets hanging down.

We stand there looking at each other from head to toe until we are interrupted by a teen girl. She is really bouncy and cheery.

"Who is it," she is practically yelling then she comes to a sudden stop and looks at me almost the same way he is looking at me. "Damn bro who is the hot babe."

"Watch the mouth," he says back to her.

"Sorry, hi I'm Meagan, Meagan Adler. I'm dorks little sister and who are you?"

I'm trying so hard not to laugh, because she is cute and resembles her brother and she just keeps staring at me.

"Hi I'm Scarlett. I'm just a friend of your brothers'"

"Oh well then welcome. He never brings girls here. I was beginning to think he was like gay or something." She slaps him on the arm.

I laugh at that one and say, "Who knows he just may be after all we are just friends." I continue laughing but he doesn't think it's funny at all.

"I have you two to know that I am very much into women however at the moment just one that is standing in front of me." He glares at me.

"Well if that's so why isn't she your girlfriend she's f*ing hot."

"Dammit Meagan watch the mouth."

"Yeah like you should talk." She then turns to look at me and grabs my hand. "By the way Scarlett today is my birthday and this is my party."

"I know, Happy Birthday." I tell her as I hand her a card."I didn't know what to get you so I hope you like it."

"I'm sure I will love it; can I open it now?"

"Whatever you want to do it's yours."

But then Mekhi snatches it from her hands. "You know the rules after the cake now go in."

She lets go of me and Mekhi holds my hand again and pulls me into the house. He introduces me to his mom and then some of the other family members including the grandparents that own the restaurant.

We all go to the back patio and all her friends are in the pool. The party is being catered and most of the adults are sitting around the pool and drinking.

We fix our plates and find a seat at a table by the pool and he chats with a few relatives for a few minutes. Almost an hour later everyone starts to sing Happy Birthday and we watch as Meagan blows out all the candles. Then she opens up present after present. I have never seen so many gifts for one person in my life. For my birthday, Zane always gave me money or something big and then Atticus, Marcus would get me a little something but that was basically it. This girl has like over a hundred presents.

Afterwards everyone is just mingling and someone comes up behind Mekhi. He places one hand on his shoulder and the other hand goes in for his hand.

"Well son who do we have here?" He is also staring at me. I just didn't notice it until Mekhi says my name.

"This is Scarlett; Scarlett this is my dad, Draven Adler."

I go to shake his hand, but something comes over me and my heart is freaking jumping out of my skin its racing at max speed. I think he notices my reaction.

"Have we met before?" he asks me.

"I don't think so." But I have seen him years ago in my parents' house. He was a little younger then, but I swore that I would never forget those eyes and the tattoo on his hand. He didn't think I seen him that night but I did.

"Are you sure; what was your name again?"

"It's Scarlett." I feel like I'm going to pass out. "Excuse me, I suddenly don't feel well. I think I should go."

Mekhi pulls me into him. "You can lie down for a while in the guest room if you need to."

"Thank you but really I think I should go." I start heading into the house. I can feel him following me. Before I make it to the front door, Mekhi is standing in front of me.

"What's really wrong? Is it my dad; do you know him?"

"Mekhi please." I open the front door and puke in the bushes. "I'm sorry I didn't mean to do that." I continue to walk out to my car.

"Maybe you ate something that didn't agree with you or something." He sounds concerned. "At least let me walk you to your car."

When we get to the car he leans up against the door. "Damn another nice ride; how many cars do you have?"

I try to smile at him as he is admiring the jet black corvette convertible. "I'm sorry Mekhi I just don't feel well."

"You were fine until you seen my dad then you turned white as a ghost. How do you know him?"

"Just drop it Mekhi."

"Why won't you tell me?"

"Because I don't want to." I try to push him out of my way. "Will you please just get out of my way."

"So you are admitting that you know him. Tell me and I will move out of your way."

"I just saw him kill someone a long time ago; now please move out of my way."

"You know what he does so why is it bothering you so freaking much?"

"Mekhi I don't want to ask you to move out of my way again."

"How about I just drive you home; you don't look well enough to drive."

"I'm fine now fucking move out of my way." I yell at him very determined.


"Oh my god Mekhi get the fuck away from the door."

"Why are you being so rude to me; I'm just concerned about you?"

"If you were that concerned you would get the fuck out of my way."

"What the fuck really."

"Really you're just pissing me off even more."

"So you're really just pissed off at my dad and taking it out on me."

"No shit, you're just now figuring that out."

"But why he didn't even say anything?"

"He didn't have to."

He tries to pull me into him to embrace me but I pull away.

"Scarlett just tell me what to do and I will fix it."

"You can't fix it, no one can."

" whoever he killed was close to you."

I start crying. Dammit why now. Now he will assume that I am weak.

"I'm sorry for whatever happened you should never have seen him do that."

"You're right I shouldn't have. He never came looking for me that night. He did what he was told to do, but he didn't finish the whole job. He left me behind."

"Oh shit!"

"You can say that again. I can understand killing my dad. I heard he owed money, a lot of money to people but my mom. My mom couldn't hurt a damn fly. I loved her so much and he took her away from me. Now you know get the hell out my way."

He opens the door and I climb in. Then he shuts it. I start the car and head for the gates. I park at the end of the end of the entrance and fight with the steering wheel. What the hell just happened? Mekhi's dad killed my parents. Oh my God what do we do now; what do I do? Shit!!!

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