My Everything-Gone

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Mekhi POV:

My parents left about ten minutes ago and I'm still out by the pool talking with Zane. Scarlett is still gone.

"So does she do this often?"

"Scarlett...yeah she does might as well get use to it son. She usually runs out to the lake and sits on the pier. I think it's like her place to escape and get away from her thoughts swarming her head."

"Does she stay out long; it's been a while now."

"Sometimes longer than I wish she would. She always takes Rebel with her. She should be fine. I can show you where she is come on?"

I follow him into the house and to his office. He turns on the computer and there is a map of the area. And there is a little red dot blinking by water. "That is Rebel; we had a chip put in him when we got him."


Zane's phone starts ring hand he looks to see who it is. When he answers it he says, "When are you coming home?"

It has to be Scarlett everyone else is already here. Suddenly his tone changes and he sounds worried and he is yelling in the phone, "Scarlett what's wrong; I'm coming baby, I'm coming."

He is still holding the phone and practically running out the door. He yells out, "Atticus, Ashton lets go."

He doesn't have to yell out my name because I am already right on his heels. Ashton gets in to drive and we all pile in the Bentley. Ashton is flying out of the drive way while Zane is ordering him, "go to the lake, she's got to be by the pier with Rebel."

He looks worried and now I'm starting to panic.

"What's wrong; what happened?" I ask.

"I don't know but something is wrong she was saying shit over and over and something about being hard to breathe. She sounded like she was hurt."

I hope that it is just a panic attack but something tells me it's much worse. It takes us not even five minutes to get to the lake even though it felt like a lifetime. I can see a body lying on the pier and I jump out of the car before it comes to a complete stop.

I'm running like a mad man to get to her, I look down and there is so much blood; it's freaking everywhere, even on Rebel. She is lying there lifeless. I bend down and she is breathing but it's very shallow. I grab her chin and hold it up.

"Baby look at me, Scarlett I'm here, baby open your eyes."

She is lifeless; I'm not losing her. I pick her up and run back to the car. Zane and Atticus are getting back to get in the same time I do. I start barking orders, "Hospital now!"

Ashton speeds out and Zane and Atticus are looking at me holding our girl.

I keep talking to her hoping she will wake up but she still isn't responding.

"Baby girl what the fuck happened. I'm going to kill the person who did this to you. I promise that guy is fucking dead meat." I'm wiping the stray hairs out of her face and I'm trying to figure out where the blood is coming from, but there is so much. "I love you Scarlett." I hold her closer to me. "Don't give up on us, don't give up. You got to fight baby, live for us, live for me." I can feel my eyes starting to water up but I don't care if they see me like this; I can't lose her; she is my everything."

We pull into the hospital and we are all jumping out. I'm still holding her.

Zane is already inside giving orders that Scarlett is hurt and we need help immediately. Doctors and nurses rush over and they have a roll bed they tell me to put her down. We are all running down the hall to the surgery room and that's when they stop me.

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