Sick of people thinking they own me

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Scarlett POV:

After changing clothes I run back down the stairs and out the back door where I had left Mekhi talking with my dad and Atticus. Honestly I didn't want to leave him there to begin with afraid of what they might do to him. However when I step outside they are talking about me, as if I'm someone's property, what the hell.

I hear Mekhi telling him, "I promise you sir that will never happen." He looks back at me and then continues to talk to him. "Sir I know it's soon but I want her to move in with me."

First of all this is my life. I mean sure I would like to move in with Mekhi don't get me wrong but shouldn't it be my decision. They see me and continue to talk about me as if I'm not even there. You got to be kidding me. Well here are two dominate males what can I expect right...but still.

I start to complain and Atticus jumps and looks over with amusement. "Maybe I want my own place. Maybe I don't want to live with either one of you."

They ignore me again and it pisses me off so I walk over and slam my hand down on the table between the two of them. "Excuse me this is my life you two are talking about. I can make my own fucking decisions neither of you own me so stop acting like it."

I turn and walk back into the house. I go upstairs to my room, god I want to scream. I'm not a kid and I'm sick of everyone trying to run my life.

When I come out of the bathroom Mekhi is looking right at me. "Do you know how big this place is? I mean I had to ask your housekeeper where your room was and I still got lost."

"Well looks like you found me."

He ignores my smartass attitude. "Damn girl this is your room?" He looks around being nosey or maybe he is admiring it. "Your room is like two of mine." He walks over to the double doors and opens it up. "You got to be kidding me it's like a whole bedroom for your clothes, damn."

I laugh at that one, but I'm sill pissed off. "Looks like you and Zane hit it off."

"Why do you say that?"

"Really, you two were just alike. You would both kill for me but don't mind hurting me, punishing me to control me."

"Well you are right about part of it, I would kill anyone if they ever hurt you including him, but babe I would never hurt you."

"Really you wouldn't punish me?"


"So when I do this," I roll my eyes, "It doesn't bother you. You warned me before not to do it or what if I don't come home or I have to leave to go to him because of work or he needs me or..."

"Stop, I get what you're saying."

"Do you because I doubt you are going to be able to control me and I don't want to argue and fight over stupid shit."

He comes over to me and grabs my hands. "Girl I will do anything for you. You tell me what you want and I will do it."

"Just like that uh...I just don't know why you want me. Any other girl you would have slapped them or turn them over your knee for just rolling their eyes at you or for talking back."

He starts to tickle me. "Because I love you and I would never hurt you." He tickles me really hard and I fall back on my bed.

"Stop already." I'm giggling so hard.

"Are you giving up already?"

"No," I laugh out loud. "Come on you're going to make me pee on myself."

"Oh little girl can't handle it."

"Mekhi." I laugh harder trying to push him away from me.

He gets his hands and holds mine down flat against the bed over my head and stares into my eyes.

"God you're beautiful when you're pissed off. I want you. I want all of you. I shouldn't have asked about you moving in with me. If you don't want to it's alright. I mean hell I could always move in here."

I smile back at him, "Mekhi."

But that's all I get out because his lips are on mine. We have intensive four play for a good twenty minutes. I want him, like now but my phone starts going off.

"Don't answer it." He orders.

"But it may be important."

"So it can wait." His hands are up my shirt and he pulls me closer into him.

My phone starts vibrating and I know who it is and I keep trying to reach for it but Mekhi keeps pulling me farther away.

"I'm sorry I got to get that or he will be up here between the two of us do you want that."

He shakes his head no.

I read the messages:

Zane: Why can't you just answer the damn phone?

Zane: Be ready in 5 we have a job

I breathe out, not realizing I was even holding my breath.

"What is it?"

"I have to go; can we finish this later?"

"I want to finish this now, but I understand and I told him I would let you go when he needed you. How about I come with you?"

"Mekhi, I don't think Zane would like that too well."

"So I will ask while you change out of this."

I look down to my clothes and sigh...I was about to say something to him however he was already out the door. By the time I come downstairs they are all waiting on me. I can't believe Zane is ok with this and is going to let him tag along.

We arrive at a corporation downtown. Whatever the business meeting was about it didn't go over well. We ride the elevator to the twenty-fifth floor. The owner greeted us at the door.

"I just need everything gone, thanks for coming."

There are two bodies on the floor. Both males and both shot directly behind the head. Their brains or what was their brain is now splattered all over the wall and the floor. I start getting out the cleaning supplies while Zane and Atticus place the bodies on plastic and start cutting off limb by limb. There is nowhere to dispose the bodies up here so they have to break it down to place in the body bags so that later we will dispose at the Crematory.

Mekhi is standing there watching me like he did the night I seen him at the restaurant. I look over at him and hand him some gloves. "You wanted to come here so help; put these on and start cleaning the wall."

He hesitates at first but puts them on and starts helping me. Every now and then I would notice him looking over at Zane cutting up the bodies into pieces and then he would look at me. I walk over to him and start helping on the wall. "I told you I was fucked sure you want to deal with this?"

"I just thought you guys took out the bodies, like whole. This is a lot of work."

"No shit, well you know we can't just carry a body out in the open you know how many people would look at us?" I laugh.

He doesn't say anything.

Afterwards we drive to the Crematory and I set everything up while he sits back and watches me. Zane and Atticus stay out in the car to wait for us.

"What don't judge me?"

"I wasn't." He says as he looks around at the place. "You enjoy doing this?"

"It's all I ever known. I was cleaning up dead bodies when I was seven and now helping to dispose of them so no one can find them. Really it's just a job."

"Have you ever thought about giving it all up, you know getting out of the field?"

"Not really, why have you?"

"Sometimes, I don't know I try not to think about the people I kill, it's just a job you know."

"Me's just a job."

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