It's all madness

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Scarlett's POV:

Half way home, I find myself out at the lake. I'm sitting in the car crying like a little girl. The one person that I felt that I could actually fall in love with, that one person damn if his father didn't kill mine and not only my father but my mother too. I watched him come into our home and gun down my father. I didn't see him shoot my mom but I know he did. He killed the only two people that ever meant anything to me.

It's getting darker out and the stars are shining over head not a cloud in the sky. There are a few people camping out near a bonfire and playing music. Most are sitting around the fire talking to each other; they are laughing, smiling and having a fun, not a care in the world.

And here I sit in my car mad at the whole world. I wonder who I would have been if I grew up with my parents and not Zane. Of course I will never know what that life would be like because that life was taken away from me.

I jump when someone falls against my car.

"Can I help you?" I ask, wiping a few tears from my face.

"Looks like you're the one who may need help; you ok?"

"I will be...please get off the car my father will kill me if I even get a hairline scratch on it."

"Damn girl, he sounds like an that what's bothering you? You should come join us over at the bonfire. We are having a party and we have drinks, weed, pills you name it honey someone probably has it and it looks like you could use a little something to cheer you up anyway."

"Thanks for the offer but I better be getting home. Maybe another time."

"You sure, not even for just one drink.....come on." She drags out. I think this girl may have already had one too many already.

I think about it for a second then think why the hell not. "Ok just one." I get out of the car and lock the doors. I grab the key and attach it to my phone case so that I will not lose them. I follow her over to the group and she hands me a cooler.

"What was your name?" she asks me.


She is really lit and waving her arms around. "Guys this is my new friend Scarlett; Scarlett this is well everybody." She giggles and takes another sip of her cooler.

My phone keeps going off; it's Mekhi and honestly I just don't know what to say to him right now. I glance at the messages.

Mekhi: I'm sorry

Mekhi: Scarlett talk to me

Mekhi: Please, we can figure something out, jus talk to me

Mekhi: Why won't you talk to me!!!

Mekhi: Dammit I really like you and I don't want to lose you....

Mekhi: SCARLETT!!!

I hear one of the other girls laughing. "Damn girl who keeps blasting your phone?"

"No one important." I down the cooler and someone hands me another one. I sit back and listen to their conversations. So this is what it is like to have friends.

One of the girls finally ask me a question, I think her name was Jennifer but I'm not really sure. "So Scarlett what do you do for a living, do you go to the University here?"

"No I'm out of school; I'm actually a Mortician." I say causally then drink another sip.

Everyone seems to stop what they are doing and they stare at me as if I lost my mind. I hear several people and questions at one time. "What." "Are you serious?" "What is that like?" and others are saying "gross", "that's freaking creepy."

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