Ch. 1

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I stared at the screen before me in disbelief, the moving black and white image had my breath freezing in my throat as I stared at the clear outline of the baby that was growing in the swell of my stomach. I had noticed the additional weight but had assumed it to be that, that I had been gaining weight. This was really happening, when I had stepped into Kade's office and explained to him what had been going on he had simply chuckled. His explanation hadn't been something that had crossed my mind before, I had never thought about pregnancy. It wasn't something Roman and I had ever discussed in the three years we had been together, I didn't know if Roman even wanted kids, were we even ready for a baby?

"You're about 12 weeks along, a few more weeks and we will be able to see what you're having. Everything looks to be in order." Kade explained as he moved the goo covered wand a little more over my stomach as he examined the screen for a few more moments before turning to look at me with a smile. "Would you like me to print you a copy?"

I nodded, not trusting my voice enough to speak aloud as I turned my gaze back to the screen before me. Once Kade removed the device he gave me a few wipes to clean my stomach with and stepped out of the room for a moment to get the print outs and I was left alone with my thoughts. I was pregnant I realized as I cleaned my stomach gently and before running my hands over the swell protectively and thinking back to the image of the tiny being that was growing there I felt my heart warm at the thought that I was carrying something that was a piece of Roman and myself. Adjusting my clothes, I sat on the table once more as the fear and worry that had initially swamped me faded away to be replaced with excitement.

Roman and I loved each other, we had been through so much together when we had first met, after everything with my parents and things here at the pack it had taken us most of our first year together to finally truly be settled. Roman had taken over the pack but he had also had several business's back in the city that he was responsible for which had pulled him in all directions. It had been rough, with most night spent lonely in our bed here on the pack lands while he had spent his nights in motels far away. I had worked hard to make things easier on him but working with Daven and Gavin on all things that required the Alphas attention here at home while he was away. I had tried hard not to let it put strain on our relationship knowing that he was going through enough with all his work.

"All right Luna, here are your copies." Kade said as he stepped back into the room before handing me four little screenshots of the baby. "Like I said everything seems to be measuring out all right but that doesn't mean to not be cautious. Just try to prevent over exerting yourself, make sure you are eating properly, there is a list of prenatal vitamins in this pamphlet along with other things to expect as your pregnancy progress's and some things to look out for."

"Is it okay for me to tell people?" I asked as he handed me the informational packet with the pictures and an appointment card that was scheduled for a month from now.

"Definitely talk to your mate, but things look good right now, it is truthfully up to you when you tell people but please make sure that you are looking out for the warning signs. Wolf pregnancies are intense and Alpha pregnancies even more so, keep that in mind all right?"

"I'll be careful." I reassured him with a smile as I pushed myself to my feet. "I'll read the pamphlet and I will talk to Roman. Thank you Kade!"

"Of course Luna, I will see you again in a month!" he called as I hurried out of his office with all the information he had provided me. The moment I slid behind the wheel I took a deep breath and steadied myself before heading in the direction of home. Daven's car was parked in the drive when I arrived home and for a moment I hesitated. I knew that there was still a risk in the early stages of pregnancy and that was why most people waited until after they knew what they were having before announcing it to everyone. I needed to talk to Roman, this was something we needed to discuss among one another first, so I shoved the pictures and pamphlet safely into my bag and headed inside.

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