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Roman was awake when I woke early the next morning, he was sprawled out on his back, one armed tucked under his head as he stared up at the bedroom ceiling clearly lost in his own thoughts, the other tucked under my pillow. He was going to fight Kevin, I could see it in the set of his jaw, feel it in the resolve that had settled over him and all at once the knots that had been there the night before tightened making nausea roll through me. Pushing myself into a sitting position I clutched the sheet to my chest as I speared my free hand through my hair roughly as I let out a deep sigh. "What in the hell happened last night Roman?"

"It was Kevin." Roman grumbled. "He attacked Adrian, which naturally made Johnny intervene, they were fighting where I arrived, I saved Kevin's life and the minute I turned my back on him he attacked me and challenged me for Alpha." Roman was furious, he felt betrayed and he didn't understand just what in the hell had gotten into Kevin the same as the rest of us but none of that did anything to ease my panic at the prospect of my mate facing off in what could potentially be a death match. If Kevin didn't yield Roman would have to kill him and I couldn't picture Roman yielding to Kevin.


"Tomorrow." I sucked in a sharp breath even though I shouldn't have been surprised, Roman wasn't one to prolong or procrastinate. "I know you want answers Adalyn, but I need some time before I will be able to give them to you. There are a lot of things that I need to do in the next few hours but right now..." He trailed off for a moment before a strong grip caught my arm tugging me in the direction of his chest. "Right now I just need you." I flung myself against him, wrapping my arms as tight around him as I could burying my face into his neck and strong arms wrapped around me in return as he cuddled me close. I couldn't stop the terror that rolled through me at the thought that this might be last time we had the chance to do something like this. I wanted to plead with him not to do this, plead with him to find another way but I knew the truth. There was no other way, the challenge had been issued and Roman had no choice but to accept and while there was an even bigger part of me that wanted him to yield I knew the truth about that as well. There would be no yielding for Roman, it wasn't the kind of man he was he would die defending his pack from a traitor like Kevin.

The feeling of a soft thump of my daughter got our attention, the swell of my stomach filled the space between us so the hard planes of his abdomen rested against her and she did not seem happy about it. Letting out a soft chuckle he shifted so that he was able to look down at my stomach before reaching out to stroke her gently in return. "What do you think about Nova?" He asked quietly as jade jewels lifted to meet my gaze once more and at first I was confused about what he was talking about my mind lost in the worry of what was to come.

"Nova?" I asked quietly and he nodded.

"Nova Rose." He stated again and it clicked as to what he was talking about. It was a beautiful name and truth be told I hadn't even given the first thought to names, we had only confirmed it was a girl less than twenty-four hours ago. I had been determined to hold off on making any kind of preparation until we knew what we were having and now that we did... Everything else was getting in the way but this wouldn't be something I let be taken from us.

"I love it."

"Really?" He seemed surprised at my easy agreement and I gave him a reassuring smile as I reached out to cup his face gently between my hands.

"Really, it is a beautiful name." I pressed my lips to his in and affectionate kiss that he was quick to return as he tightened his arms around me once more. A soft knock on the door interrupted us and I let out a disappointed sigh knowing that our alone time was over and that we were going to have to go out there and face the reality of what was happening in our world. Roman gave me an apologetic look before unwrapping himself from around me before sliding into the closest pair of gym shorts he could find before moving to the door. To my surprise Vika stood on the other side, and she seemed to let out a breath of relief as she did a quick study of us both.

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