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I managed to pushed my way through the full plate of food Roman had placed before me much to his pleasure, and then we had proceeded with the plans decided at breakfast. Adrian hadn't been happy to find out that he had had to leave but I had seen the torn look in his eyes when he protested, he wanted Johnny away from Kevin on one hand on the other I knew he felt horrible leaving me here to face this alone. I promised him that I understood and that he didn't need to feel bad for it, I wanted him as far away from here as possible until the Kevin situation had been handled one way or another. It had been hard to see them off, Vika and Adrian had settled into the front of Johnny's SUV while we had settled Johnny in the back seat, but you could tell it was still uncomfortable for him. The lines had appeared around his mouth once more and he had begun to lose his coloring, I glanced back to Roman worriedly, it didn't seem like a good idea to be sending him away in this kind of condition but I knew it would do no good to argue.

Instead I hugged the three of them tightly before going to Robin who had decided to drive her own car behind them. She was leaning against the drivers side door, her body stiff as she had her arms wrapped around herself tightly staring at the asphalt beneath her feet. I knew she wasn't happy about being sent away but I couldn't blame Daven either, it was obviously that he had every intentions of challenging Kevin immediately if something happened to Roman. That would put Robins life in jeopardy just as much as mine, it wasn't required for her to be there for the match, it was required for the Luna to attend Alpha challenges otherwise I had no doubt I would be packed into one of the vehicles as well. She tried to be positive and straighten herself out, however, as I approached, and I knew she was trying to put on a brave front for me. They all had been since the moment I had come down the stairs this morning to make this easier on my end and while I appreciated the effort it didn't make it any better. I hated the situation we all found ourselves in but there was nothing I could do about it. The only person who could put an end to this was Roman and I desperately wanted that to not be the case.

"Keep an eye on them Adalyn and try not to let them get into to much trouble all right?" I didn't say anything as I wrapped her into a tight hug and I heard a sniffle from her as she wrapped her arms around me in return telling me I wasn't the only one fighting tears.

"I'm so sorry Robin." Her mate was remaining behind to protect me, to defend me should something happen to Roman and I couldn't imagine that was easy for her.

"Stop it. This isn't your fault Adalyn. Your daughter's safety is the most important thing, along with yours. We will all do what we have to to protect you." She promised as she pulled away to rub my stomach lovingly while her eyes met mine and the sincerity that glittered in her honey colored eyes had me nodding.

"We are going to name her Nova." I murmured quietly, and her face brightened in awe as she looked to me in amazement. "Nova Rose. Roman picked it."

"That's a beautiful name." Robin agreed quietly. "Now that we know what you are having we can start shopping, think of nursery ideas while I am gone and when I come back we will see what we can find." I wrapped my arms around her once more praying that in the end that was how all of this really happened. I felt Davens presence appear beside us and knew that it was time for me to leave them alone. "I love you both, I will see you soon."

"We love you." I agreed quietly before giving Daven a tight smile that he didn't return, his eyes to busy studying his mate. I made my way over to my own who was waiting patiently on the front porch for me to say my goodbyes. He opened his arms to me as I approached letting me step into them as I rested my head against my chest suddenly very exhausted.

"I'm going to have Rory come over while I go train." Roman said as he lifted one hand to begin a gentle massage on the tension in my neck. I growled in protest shaking my head, there was already so much going on, I was tired and I didn't feel like being hovered over in my home by a stranger.

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