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It was late when I finally dragged myself out of bed once more the next morning and I knew it judging by the smirk that Vika wore as I stepped into the living room the next morning. "I thought you had to work today?" She asked with raising a brow but even at her attempt in humor I could see her worry. She was over thinking about something I could see it in her eyes.

"One of the perks of being married to the boss." I explained with a shrug.

"You work for Roman?"

"What's his is mine, right?"

"Really? No pre-nup?" I laughed at her question. There had been a very brief and short mention of a pre-nup, I hadn't wanted Roman to think that I wanted anything more from him than everything he had already done for me. I had begun to offer to sign one but the words hadn't even completely formed the question before the dark scowl on his face had quickly stopped me from continuing. At first she seemed confused at my laughter but after a short moment she joined in. "I guess that shouldn't surprise me, that man defines over protective he would make sure you were always taken care of."

If you only knew. I thought quietly as I rubbed my stomach. "Where is everyone else?" I asked listening for the sounds of others. I remembered a brief brush of lips against my forehead as Roman told me he had some meetings and would be home as soon as he could but Johnny had been here every day since they had gotten here, he was surprisingly absent. Adrian had been up and moving around somewhat but I didn't see him either but the worry in her face had me frowning in concern. "What happened?"

"Johnny and Adrian got into an argument earlier and Johnny took off."

I tensed at her words. "An argument about what?" I asked working hard to keep my voice level and my tone even.

"I have no clue, Adrian wouldn't talk to me about it."

"Where is he?"

"Out back."

Pushing to my fault I hurried out onto the back deck where I found Adrian sitting in one of the chairs at one of the glass patio tables staring out into the wilderness surrounding our home. He looked to lost in thought to notice my approach and I felt my heart drop to my stomach at the saddened expression haunting his face. "Adrian?" I asked quietly as I moved a chair to sit close to him. "What's going on?"

"I talked to Johnny." So, I had cause this after all. "He told me the truth." I fell silent, confused, if Adrian knew the truth about them then why had Johnny stormed away and why did Adrian look... devastated? "He said as long as I am human he won't be the reason I shift."

"What?" I blinked in confusion, things between the two of them had been going well, they had been getting along well enough that Adrian had come to me with questions about mates, so what had happened in the last few hours?

"He told me the truth that we were mates, then he told me wouldn't mark me and be the reason that I shifted for the first time. Then he walked away." Suddenly I understood what had happened, male wolves over protective in general but bonded males were a force of their own. A part of me wondered if Roman had talked to Johnny at all about the experience.

"Adrian I know it's hard to understand but he is trying to protect you."

"Protect me from what exactly?"

"The shift is hard Adrian." I shuddered as I recalled the very first time I had ever shifted. "Your entire body reconfigures itself."

"I never thought this was going to be a walk in the park Adalyn, I'm not stupid, I also never mentioned wanting to do any of this right now. I didn't ask him to mark me I just asked him to talk to me about it." He growled shaking his head as I felt his anger flare around him, his power didn't crackle in the way others did but it did sizzle across your skin and amber replaced the green in his eyes.

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