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Under Romans encouragement I stayed home, taking a few days away from work and spending them resting. I had been so exhausted when I had gotten up once more after the situation with the new wolf that it hadn't been much of an argument when Roman had tucked me back into bed and told me to stay there. I could see his protectiveness going into over drive, with the arrival of Courtney he had been called away to handle things about her involvement in the pack even if it was only temporary, so he had been spending a lot of time away from the house. I had seen the struggle in his eyes every time I saw him off, he was worried and didn't want to let me out of his sight no matter how much I reassured him that we were fine. I'd had no pain or any of the other warning signs the pamphlet had warned about and felt much better even with his hovering.

Emma and Sylvie had been concerned as well, each dropping by to check me on a regular basis and I had a feeling this is what the duration of my pregnancy was going to be like. I couldn't bring myself to complain about it however they were my family and they were just looking out for me in the best way they knew how. The baby was going to get a lot of attention, as the first child of the Alpha pair it would be one of the most well known of the members of the pack. I had heard the stories of Romans childhood, the pack had taken care of him, guided him, helped him even without knowing it they had played a big part in raising Roman. To know that the baby was going to have the same thing only made my excitement grow even more, now that I was aware of the baby I could feel the connection to the baby through my wolf, I could feel the changes in my body of course but the wolf seemed to have a connection directly with the baby. It was impossible to explain the bond that had formed but I believed that is what gave me the feeling that I was carrying our daughter and she was going to be just like her father.

"Do you want me to make you something to eat baby?" Roman said startling me from where he leaned in the doorway of the kitchen with an amused grin on his face. I hadn't even heard him come in I had been to busy studying the contents of the fridge in debate. While my energy had waned for a little while, my appetite on the other hand had not, it had increased rapidly and it always seemed to amuse my mate.

"No, you always cook." I said shaking my head as I closed the door.

"I like to cook for you." He said with a shrug as he pushed away from the frame to approach me, I gave him a smile before wrapping my arms around his waist.

"I know you do, and I appreciate it." I said before leaning in to nuzzle his chest affectionately and as I did so I caught the whiff of an unfamiliar scent, a female scent that lingered there and I felt myself stiffen. My wolf let out a possessive snarl in the back of my mind and I forced myself to take a deep breath before stepping away and going back to my task for lunch. I felt Roman's eyes on me as confusion flowed through him while he watched me, I was trying hard not to be upset because there was truthfully nothing to be upset about. Roman would never betray me like that, deep in my heart I knew that was the truth but the possessiveness that was flowing through me had my wolf snarling her displeasure.

"Baby are you all right?" He asked quietly as I felt him approached me once more and I nodded my agreement without turning to look at him. Suddenly his arms caught me around the waist as he pulled me back against him, his hands settling over my stomach as he rubbed it lovingly and I melted back against his chest before I caught scent again.

"Who were you with today?" I asked my voice surprisingly calm and even. I felt his confusion spike as he stiffened behind me for a moment before realization flooded him.

"You smell Courtney on me." He said with a chuckle and I felt myself frown at his amusement. I moved to tug myself from his arms once more. I was overreacting I knew I was but I couldn't seem to stop the anger that flooded over me, he had gotten snarly and possessive more than once in our time together. It had been with pack members even, ones whose eyes had lingered to long, or tried to get to close for Romans comfort and that was with people he had known his entire life. This was a complete stranger whose scent lingered on my mates clothing! Roman gripped my arms keeping me from pulling away before he turned me so that I was facing him while he frowned down at me before studying me. Amusement appeared on his face. "Are you jealous baby?"

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