Prizes/Judge perks

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Yes I'm sure you're all wondering what you receive if you win. Well now's the time to find out!

The Judges:
-Follow from this account
-Assuming all goes well, you will have a guaranteed open spot to judge in our next round!
-The thanks of the admins for all of your hard work!

All participants:
-Participation sticker
-Review from judge posted on both this book, and separate review book.
-Reads from judges.

Third place:
-Book added to third place reading list.
-Third place sticker!

Second place:
-Book added to second place reading list!
-Second place sticker!
-Optional cover!

First Place:
-Added to the champions reading list.
-Critique from one of the admins
-First place Sticker,
-Optional cover!
-Follow from awards account!

Best cover:
-Follow from account!
-Review from an admin!

Most creative title:
-Follow from account!
-Optional cover!

And that's all folks! Good luck to all of you!

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