I love you

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"I'm in love with you."

I looked at Eddie in disbelief. I'd been in love with this little boy since we were five and he loves me! I wonder how long.. I wonder how much time I could have been with him but I was to scared to admit my feelings.

"I love you too Eddie"

"No Richie, I'm in love with you. Romanticly, I've been in love with you for so long and I need you to know. I'm leaving Derry tomorrow. And I couldn't leave without you knowing."

"Edddie... what do you mean leaving Derry?"

"I got a job over in New York. I didn't want to take it because I couldn't stand the thought of not being in the same place as you. But I thought about it and I'm 22 and you're 23, I've loved you since I was 6. I realized that if I could go that long without you I'm sure I could go without you forever. Not that I want to, I don't but it's the best thing for me right now."

I looked up at him, I had been looking at the ground the whole time he was speaking. Tears were flowing from my eyes like waterfalls.

"Eddie... please. I love you, I'm so in love with you! Y-y-you
c-c-can't leave me. P-p-please."

I couldn't continue because of how hard I was crying. I realized why he was acting so weird, why his stuff slowly started disappearing from the apartment, why I wasn't allowed in his room anymore. It all made sense and I ignored it. I might as well have opened the door for him and pointed the way out. I pushed him out without even realizing it. I was pulled from my thoughts as a tiny hand rested on my tear covered face. I just looked into his eyes. He looked sorry but I knew there was nothing I could say to keep him here. I wanted our last night to be special. I could take him out. I could make him food, that I would probably burn so scratch that. I leaned forward and smashed my lips to his. I tasted of salt and alcohol, I knew it. But his lips tasted like candy.
Eddie never really grew up when it comes to food. He still loves to just pig out on candy and watch movies. It was our Friday ritual. We did it every Friday since 7th grade. We missed a few here and there but it was always ok.
He pulled back for a second but smiled. He leaned back in for a second and we shared a quick but passionate kiss. My heart was racing a million miles an hour.

"Richie, why did you do that?"

I took one of his hands in mine and I put my other hand on his cheek, slightly moving my thumb. I looked into his beautiful eyes that I had loved since I remember.

"Because if you're leaving me tomorrow I wanna give you one more amazing night. I wanna hold you close and call you mine for as long as I can."

He leaned back in and he moved into my lap. He gently sat down on me and moved his fingers to my hair. I put my hands on the small of his back and just held him against me while we kissed. It wasn't a sloppy, tongue filled make out session. It was simply just light kissing, passion filled kissing. Neither of them had plans of going any further and they had no desire to. It wasn't that they weren't willing it was the fact that they just wanted to be close and hold each other for the short time they had left.

I looked up into Eddie's eyes and pulled away for a second breathlessly.

"Edward Kasbrak, I Richard Tozier am hopelessly in love with you."

Eddie started tearing up and I just pulled him into my chest cradling him. He was now panting across my body and I felt warm, whole.

"It's ok baby, I got you."

"But Richie after tonight you won't. After tonight I'm on my own. I can't be held by you or anyone else because I'll be on my own."

"Hey, hey, hey, it's going to be okay, you'll be okay."

I rubbed my palm on his back. I picked him up bride style and carried him into my room and laid him down. I laid down with him and he curled into my chest. I grabbed the remote to turn on some background noice. It was The Breakfast Club, Eddie's favorite movie. I saw his head peak out from my shoulder. I pulled the blankets over us and kissed his forehead.

I woke up the next morning;

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