First Time

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Cross Dressing, 'Public' Sex

eddie looked at himself in the mirror and applied his daily makeup. blush, lipgloss, concealer and mascara . eddie wasn't considered a guy anymore but he never wanted to change himself, he just felt more comfortable portraying himself as a girl. all the guys loved to lift up his skirt or slap his ass in the hallway. he didn't mind it, he actually liked all the attention, but he had eyes for one boy. richie tozier. richie was eddie crush since forever, richie and eddie never talked anymore but they were close as kids. richie always supported eddies decision to be girly, but richie never took a shot to date eddie or have any sexual contact with him. it wasn't that richie didn't like eddie it was just that richie wanted to have a special moment with eddie on their own time. eddie walked into school with his pink skirt on and his crop-top that says "daddy's favorite", that was his favorite shirt. every morning he would walk to richies locker and say hi to him, they would have small talk. eddie walked up to richies locker and tapped his shoulder softly. "hey richie" eddie said fluttering his eye-lashes. richie turned around and smiled at eddie. he loved talking to eddie, and today is when he wanted to express his feelings to eddie. today was the 9th of june, the day eddie and richie had met 10 years ago. "hey eddie" "so, do you want to come over after school, just cause" eddie said stepping closer to richie, "i get so bored after school, you seem fun to play with" eddie said playing with richies chest. eddie never acted this way towards richie, but he decided to have fun with richie since richie never showed sexual tension. richie looked down at richies skirt and then his crop-top, he thought eddies outfit was so sexy, he just wanted to rip it off and fuck him senseless. "u-um yeah" richie said snapping back into reality and looked up at eddie smiling. "perfect" eddie said giving richie a kiss on the cheek, "i'll see you after school" eddie said. eddie started walking away but to make richie more crazy he thought of something wonderful. he grabbed the extra lube he kept in his book bag and walked over to richie. he tapped richie and smirked. "we might need this for later" eddie said handing richie the lube and skipped away. richie stood there wide-eyed and started at eddies ass as he walked away. richie was looking forward to this moment.

after school eddie packed his books and walked to richies locker. he grabbed he hem of richies pants and tugged them, "these are gonna be off in a couple of minutes" eddie said making richie jump. he blushed and adjusted his glasses. richie was never shy like this when it came to sexual tension but eddie drove him crazy and that made him speechless. "fuck eddie you are so hot" richie said grabbing eddies ass making him jump. he moaned a little and gasped. "mr.richie is a little excited" eddie smirked. richie couldn't take it anymore, he grabbed eddies arm and took him to the car. "get in" richie said hopping into the backseat" , eddie was hesitant but was excited at the same time. richie slamed his lips onto eddies and leaned him back onto the seats of the car. richie put his hand into eddies lace underwear and palmed him not breaking the kiss. eddie moans were muffled by the kiss, richie made him feel so good. they finally broke the kiss and started to remove their clothes. richie kissed eddie all the way down to his torso and sucked on his hips. eddie was fragile so ever little bite affected him. "r-richie ah!" eddie said arching his back. richie went lower to eddies dick and kissed his tip. he finally wrapped his mouth around eddies dick and took his hand to guide his movements. this made eddie crazy, he had never gotten a blow-job before and his was his first. he was glad it was with someone he actually loved. richie knew how to make eddie feel good, he kept his motion and went faster with it. he wasn't finished with eddie yet, so he brought his head up, there was a trail of slob coming from his mouth and eddies dick. "you taste good eddie" richie said smirking, "but i'm not done with you" richie said. he went in his book bag and grabbed the lube that eddie gave him this morning. he squirted a little on the tip of his finger and applied some to him and eddie. he lined up with eddie and pushed in. eddie squeaked, richie looked at him worried, "does it feel okay" he said stopping. "yeah it's fine keep going" eddie said nodding. richie kept going but slowly. he didn't want to make eddie feel uncomfortable his first time. he saw that eddie was comfortable and went a little after, eddie motioned him to go faster and he did. eddie threw his head back and bit his lip. richie made sex feel so good, every thrust was so good. richie kept going faster and rougher. "i'm gonna come" eddie said biting his lip. richie nodded his head, eddie knew that it meant it was okay to come. eddie held his breath and finally let it out. richie pulled out and looked at eddie with wide eyes. "for your first time it was really good" richie said wiping off his head with sweat. eddie blushed and gave richie a peck, "thank you richard" eddie said laughing. "i love you eds and i've been wanting to tell you that for the longest" richie said giving eddie heart eyes, eddie was so relived that richie felt the same way he did. "i love you too richie" he said going in for a kiss.

"hey veronica look at those guys" betty said walking past richies car, "oh wow" veronica said laughing. "they probably just fucked" betty said trying to get a better view in the car."come on betty let's go" veronica said pulling betty's arm.

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