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This is my first story. It's a Klance soulmate AU with a twist. Please enjoy!

I don't own Voltron.

"Mama!" The four year old chirped as he swing his legs to and fro from where they were hanging of the edge of the table. Wide indigo eyes moved, but Keith didn't actually take anything in.

"Mama?! Where'd you go!" A hint of uncertainty had entered his tone, and the swinging of his legs started to stop. The boy perked up when he heard a loud bang and turned toward the noise


His sightless eyes were wide and his bottom lip trembled when he received no reply.

"P—Papa..?" He whimpered, trembling as tears finally fell from his eyes. His shoulders shook and he began crying. Where were his mama and papa?

"Keith? Where are you kiddo?"

"Papa! I'm in the kit-chen!" He said, tears evaporating at the sound of his dad's voice. The four year old's sensitive ears picked up his fathers heavy gait and he laughed when his papa picked him up and spun him round.

"Ray! Don't you dare let me see you do that to him again! You could hurt him!" His mama's harsh voice had the laughter stopping in an instance, thinking that his mum was angry with him as well. Smaller hands stole him from his dad's rougher one's and his mama cooed at him.

"No worry little one, mama isn't angry with you." She soothed, and Keith allowed himself to smile toothily. He giggled at his mother's laughter and snuggled into her shoulder, content to cling to her for now. He drowsily listened to his parent's conversation as they spoke about one thing or another. The four year old didn't pay attention, instead he let the tranquil atmosphere lul him to slumber.

Said slumber was rudely awoken by raised voices. Keith sat up from where he had been sleeping on the sofa, yawning tiredly and wiping his eyes. He sat still, wondering what woke him before he heard a floorboard creek from infront of him. He screamed when a large hand wrapped around his wrist and dragged him into the air. Tears welled up in his eyes in fear as he attempted to fight against his unknown captors. The fight left him when he was thrown into a wall. His hit his head hard and whimpered when he was moved, slung over something and carried out side.

He was too out of it too hear his parents calling him, and he only distantly felt himself being dumped on the ground. There was a short while of fuzziness where someone ran fingers through his hair and a hand up and down his back. He calmed down quickly and was drifting off to sleep when two loud bangs jerked him awake again. That and a liquid splattering across his face.



These chapters are going to be short, as it is only a short story!

If you haven't already, please check out my Kangst oneshot collection called Kangst for the Soul.

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