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I don't iwn Voltron

"What's your name?" the girl asked him gently, running her hands up and down his arms. He didn't say anything back, just continued trying to stop crying. "Hey, it's ok! Please don't cry!" The girl said, sounding closer and louder, he scooted back, whimpering as he cut his hand on something on the ground. "Please stop! I don't want you to hurt yourself!" She said, following. Keith did stop, eventually, when he'd been cornered.

"L—L—Leave me alone..." he finally managed to whisper.

"I'm not going to hurt you! I just want to make sure your ok!" The girl said, and Keith stayed still, flinching when small hands gently grabbed his wrist so she could look at his hand. He bit his lip as she twisted his wrist, trying not to make a sound. "My name's Katie, what's yours?" The girl, Katie, asked and he didn't know wether he should reply or not.

"Keith." He finally whispered and flinched when a hand patted his head.

"Thats a nice name." Katie said, matter-of-factly and he found himself relaxing as the girl began to talk about something she was making at her house.

"Do you wanna come live with me?" She asked him suddenly and he froze, thinking back to Dylan and Paul. But Katie was nice, and she didn't seem like she wanted to hurt him. So maybe it was ok? He nodded slowly and allowed her to help him stand up.

"Who's your new friend Katie?" The new voice made him jump. He shook slightly and looked down, keeping quiet. He hadn't been spoken to, so he shouldn't speak.

"This is Keith! I want him to stay with us!" Katie chirped and Keith flinched when he heard another, different voice, this one heading closer to him.

"He does huh? I think we should ask Mum and Dad first, yeah?" Keith sniffed, thinking back to his own mum and dad. He missed them.

Shiro watched as the kid tuned out, looking dazedly at the floor, clearly lost in memories. He left the bickering siblings and walked over to the boy, crouching in front of him.

"Keith?" He tried, and the boy flinched slightly, quickly looking up at him.

"What..." he mumbled, and Shiro didn't say anything, just leaned forward and hugged him. Jeez, he could feel the kid start shaking, even as hesitant arms wrapped around him back.

"It'll be ok, we won't let anything happen to you anymore." He promised, and Keith nodded hesitantly.

"Can we go home now? I want mum to make sure the kid is ok." Matt said and Katie nodded in agreement.

"Is that ok with you?" Shiro asked him and Keith nodded again, smiling slightly. The four if them left the park, Matt and Katie up ahead, and Shiro guiding Keith. The boy still looked like he was going to fall over, so Shiro kept a hand resting on his back, just to be safe.

No one saw Paul get up from where he had been beaten to the ground and start limping back to his house.

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