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Things were hectic in the Holt household, not that that was a bad thing. Keith kinda enjoyed it, the hustle and bustle, the kindness... It was different.

"KATIE HOLT GIVE ME MY MUFFIN BACK" Matt yelled. Keith listened to the footsteps that raced past where he was sat on the sofa. The laughter was infectious, and soon had Keith smiling too.

"Keith, could you go and get me my gameboy please?" Katie asked him suddenly, making him jump. He nodded obediently and ran up the stairs remembering to take a left into the six year old's room.

He gently ran his hands over the various nick-nacks she had gathered till he found what she wanted, carefully picking it up and holding it protectively to his chest as he slowly came back down the stairs and was helped onto the sofa.

"Thank's Keith." Katie spoke softly, taking the slim device out of his fingers. The familiar battle theme started playing a moment later and Keith smiled as Katie curled up against him. He yawned, yelping when he was pulled against someone.

"Sleep Keith, you need it." Shiro whispered, and he nodded drowsily.


Colleen Holt woke him up three hours later, helping him into a thicker jumper and helping him with his trainers. He was then ushered out the house, someone, either Matt or Shiro were holding his hand to help guide him along the ice laden path. It was quite funny when he slipped into someone else and they both went skidding.

When they finally arrived at the park, he guessed that from the three gasps that the snow and the ice was basically untouched. He heard twin sets of laughter and people running through the snow.
Keith let out a quiet yelp when two large hands grabbed him and leftward him into the air.

"Up yah go!" Shiro cried and Keith couldn't help but laugh, waving his hands around joyfully. This continued for about 15 minutes, until Shiro got pushed backwards and fell, landing solidly on the nine year old. Something had happened because Sphiro wasn't getting up, and the weight was making it hard to breathe. He pushed weakly at the teen's head and it didn't budge.

Keith had worked himself into an panic, hyperventilating and crying loudly, too the point not being able to hear. Meaning he didn't hear the snow crunching.

There was a sharp familiar burn as the tazer ripped a scream from his mouth and pushes his conscious away.

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