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tw for abuse at the end.

I don't own Voltron.


"This is the police! Put the gun down and step away from the child!" The yelling confused Keith, who was still reeling from the gunshot. The noise had hurt his ears and he attempted to back away from the men surrounding him but the one holding him down shook him.

"Stop moving you piece of shit!" Keith couldn't help the sobs wracking his body, nor the tears rolling down his face. He wanted his mama, and his papa.

He jumped when several objects clattered to the ground and again when he was roughly pushed forward into someone else. They wrapped him in a hug and shushed him as he sobbed. Small hands, similar but not his mama's, brushed through his hair. The repetitive soothing him into a restless slumber.


Charlie Max Baker prided herself on not flinching and getting on with her job as a social worker. Yet the one case that broke her was the Kogane one . The poor boy had been orphaned in a horrific accident, mother and father shot to death in front off him, and he'd almost died along with them. Not to mention the startling fact that he was born blind. It would put him at a massive disadvantage in life, and they were just... abnormal in general. No one is born blind, but he was. It wasn't right. So, she dumped him with the first person asking to foster him, not bothering to check his records. Keith Akira Kogane may be the cutest four year old in the world, but he was also a curse upon everyone because of those eyes. Yes, they were stunning, indigo with hints of blue and gray, but those eyes freaked her out.

Those eyes belonged too the devil.


Staying with Dylan was hard. He made Keith clean up a lot of things, and yelled a lot. Dylan would often yell and throw things at him, things which normally hit him because he couldn't see where they would coming from. To be honest, Dylan should of never been allowed to adopt.

Keith sobbed weakly as the steel-toed boot swung into his chest, taking his breath away and sending him flying. His head hurt from having it banged into the walls so often, and there was more sticky liquid on his face. He'd found out recently it was his own blood.

His throat hurt from where he was no longer allowed food and drink. Arms and legs too skinny and available skin a sickly pale.

But the worst thing was Keith's eyes. They were ... empty, emotionless. Taking one look at the kid told you his spirit was broken. There was no innocence left in those wide eyes.

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