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"I miss you, Quinn," Luke said in a sleepy voice on the other end of the phone.

"I miss you too, Luke," I whined. "But you sound like you're really tired."

"I am. But I wanna talk to you," he replied, yawning at the end.

"Get some sleep. I'll see you tomorrow at four o'clock," i said.

"Fine. I'll see you tomorrow," he murmured.

"Bye, Luke," I smiled.

"Bye Quinn."

I hung up my phone and smiled to myself. As if it's just my destiny to be miserable, Derek's best friend Anthony appeared at my door. He also happens to be my ex boyfriend.

"Awe, that's cute, Quinnie. You're trying to move on from me again?" He laughed.

"What do you want, Anthony?" I asked impatiently.

"I just wanna know who I have to dispose of," he said, walking into my room.

"His name is none of your business. Now if you could, can you please leave me alone? I have a lot of school work to do," I said, getting up and sitting down at my desk.

I could hear his footsteps behind me. "You don't mean that, baby." Anthony wrapped his arms around me.

"I'm over you, Anthony," i said through my teeth.

"You always say you're over me and then you always end up under me," he chuckled, placing a kiss on my neck.

"Get the FUCK out of my room!" I screamed at him, pushing my desk chair back.

"You bitch," he sneered. "You're gonna regret that."

"Get the fuck out," I ordered once again.

"Your loss," he said, putting his hands up and backing out of my bedroom. I slammed and locked the door behind him.

I immediately called Luke.

"Quinn?" He answered, confused.

"Hey, Luke," i said nervously.

"Is something wrong?" He asked. I

"Oh, no, everything's fine." That was a lie. "But my classes got cancelled tomorrow." Another lie. So, would it be okay if I came over tonight? I just wanna see you."

"I wanna see you too. Yes, come over. Do you know how to get here?" He asked.

"I think I can figure it out. I'll see you in about forty-five minutes, okay?" I said as I began to throw some of my clothes into a weekend bag.

"I'll be here. Drive safe."

I hung up the phone and tried my best to sneak out the front door.

"Where do you think you're going?" Derek and Anthony both asked.

"Out," I said, crossing my arms over my chest.

"I hope you won't be gone too long," Anthony said. "I'll really miss you, babe."

"Quit calling me names, Anthony. I don't want you anymore," i muttered, turning on my heels.

"When will you be home?" Derek asked.

"I don't know. But I'll see you when I see you," I ran out to my car, started it, and peeled out of the driveway as fast as I could. I couldn't wait to see Luke.

45 minutes later:

"Hey, Luke, I'm here," i said softly into my phone.

"Okay, cutie, I'm coming," he giggled.

"Okay," i smiled and bit my lip.

I saw the front door open, and I couldn't seem to move fast enough. I ran to him and hugged him as hard as I possibly could.

"Mmm, you smell nice," he murmured. I didn't say anything. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing. I mean, I got in a fight with my brother before I left. I'm okay now, though."

"It's a little bit cold, let's get you inside," Luke said, pulling away and entering the home. "Do you need anything? Food?"

I smiled. "No, I'm good."

He returned the smile and placed a soft kiss on my lips. I felt the same spark as our first kiss, and couldn't help but smile into it. "I missed you," he whispered.

"I missed you too," I replied, kissing him again.

He pulled away and grabbed the duffle bag I had set on the floor and led me up the stairs to his room.

"I'm probably gonna go to sleep," Luke told me quietly. "But if you wanna watch a movie or something we can put one on."

"Sleep sounds nice," I said, realizing how tired I was. Luke got into bed, and I crawled in next to him.

"Goodnight, Quinn."

"Goodnight, Luke."

To Fix a Broken Girl // HemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now