chapter 7 - Angel

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Into every generation, there are Chosen Ones. A Slayer will stand against the vampires, the demon, and the forces of darkness. With each Slayer comes a Guardian. They are protectors of the innocent.

Day One

Night - Master's Lair

Collin was tossing stones into the pool, taking a few more from the Master's hand. Darla walked in.

"Zachary didn't return from the hunt last night," the Master told her.

Darla shook her head. "The Slayer and Guardians."

Master was angry. "Zachary was strong, and he was careful. And still, the Slayer and Guardians take him, as they have taken so many of my family." He took a deep breath. "It wears thing. Collin, what would you do about it?"

"I'd annihilate them," Collin answered.

Master smirked. "Out of the mouths of babes."

Darla walked closer. "Let me do it, Master. Let me kill them for you, one at a time."

Master shook his head. "You have a personal interest in this."

Darla pouted, disappointed. "I don't get to have any fun."

Master got an idea. "I will send the Three."

Darla smirked, impressed, intrigued. "The Three? May I offer a suggestion, Master?"

"If you must," Master answered.

"It won't be easy to lure and kill the Slayer and both Guardians," Darla told him. "But they do have friends that you can lure them to you with. Send the Three after one of the friends, and you may have a chance at killing them."

Master was intrigued, smirking. "And who would you suggest?"

"The witch," Darla answered.

"Wyatt Pratt?" Master asked, amused, chuckling. "No. Wyatt's a skilled immortal witch that has gotten far too good for a simple attack."

"Not Wyatt Pratt," Darla answered. "The female witch. Carmen Chase."

"Carmen Chase?" Master repeated.

"Yes," Darla answered. "She's a newbie witch, just barely learning about her powers and how to control them. Wyatt has been teaching Carmen, but she'll be the easier target."



Three tough guys were lighting up cigarettes. The Three walked around a corner at a steady, deliberate pace. The men saw them coming, leaving quickly.


The Bronze

A cockroach was being chased along the floor.

"Get it!" a boy said. "Go get it, right there!"

"I got it!" a girl said, holding the cockroach up to the bartender and dropping it into his jar. "Free drink, please."

The bartender nodded and went to get the drink.

Buffy, Brooke, Zoey, Alice and Carmen were sitting together at a table.

"Ah, the fumigation party," Willow told them.

Slayers and Guardians (Worlds Colliding Buffy the Vampire Slayer) Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now