Forever And Always: A Liam Payne Love Story

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Authors note: This is my first story, and the first chapter is like any other book, it's boring because I'm setting a scene. :) Thanks for dealing with it! <3

~Chapter 1~

--Emily's POV--

"DROID!" My phone screamed. I had a text message. "Ugh. I don't want to get up." I glanced at the clock. 8:15 am. I forced myself up and tapped the unlock button on my LG Lucid phone. It froze. God, I hate Android. When my phone finally decided to work, I saw that the text was from Simon. Simon Cowell, THE Simon Cowell had decided to have me go on tour with this huge band. He refused to tell me who, but  I guess I'll find out eventually. The text read:

Emily, want to go get some coffee at Starbucks? Xx

I replied:

Sure, 9:00? Xx

I began to get ready. Before I could even pick out an outfit, I recieved another text from Simon. It read:

Perfect, see you soon. Xx

I tapped the lock button on the side of my phone again. What should I wear today?

Seven Minutes later I was dressed in my purple skinny jeans along with a form-fitting black t-shirt and black toms. I had thought about taking a shower, but I had taken one last night. I'll wait till tonight to take another. I brushed my long, wavy brown hair and fixed my bangs. I put on a touch of makeup, but not too much I looked at the clock. 8:30. I have time to get some breakfast.

I lazed down the stairs to see my mom, my brother, and his wife, Jess. I hadn't seen Josh and Jess in months and I pulled them both into a giant hug.

"Who wants a pancake?" Mom asked.

"Me!!!" I yelled. I hadn't even realized how hungry I was.

"Me!!!" Jess echoed.

"Make that 12." Josh said. Wow, my brother was a pig........

After the pancakes were done, Mom sat down with us.

"Mom, I'm going to Starbucks with Simon to discuss some things about the tour, okay?" I informed her.

"Sure Em. Just keep me posted." She answered.

After I finished breakfast, I checked the time. 8:40. It takes 10 minutes to get to Starbucks from here, so I went into the bathroom to brush my teeth and put some deodorant and perfume on. When I was done, it was 8:48.

"I should get going. See you later! I'll probably be home around 10:00 or so"

"Alright sweetie." Mom said as I walked out the door. I didn't really know why she called me sweetie, since I was 18 years old, but I went with it and got into my car.

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