Chapter 9

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This concert, I was singing a big song. Rolling in the Deep by ADELE. Rehearsals went well, and the concert didn't start till 8:30. So we had a long time. We couldn't get settled on the bus, because that was in America. We were going from here, to Sydney, Australia, and then to New York, New York. 

 It was now 6:30, and we had 2 hours to kill. We all decided to walk around town, maybe see a few fans. When we walked around the corner, we were met by tons of high pitched screaming. They were here already?! We were with Paul and a few of the other security guys, so we weren't worried about anything. We said 'hi' to as many of them as we could, until I decided to look at my watch. 7:50. Oh my gosh. I turned around to alert Paul, but instead was met by Liam. I almost knocked him over and I put my hand on his chest as a reflex.     

"Oh sorry, Liam." I looked up at his face to see him smiling like the awesome weirdo he was. "Why are you smiling so much?" I said as I removed my hand, still not realizing it.    

"Your hand." He said as he grabbed my hand and intertwined our fingers. "It made me happy." He said.     

"Well," I said, looking at my watch. It was 7:55. "Look at the time."     

"Oh my gosh. We need to get inside. Come on guys. We need to get in there." We said our goodbyes and went into the building. "They'll be letting them in in 5 minutes." Liam stated.     

<<<<<<35 minutes later>>>>>>>  

I was performing before the boys and I when I went out onto the stage, the crowd went crazy. I introduced myself and talked for about 5 minutes, then I sang the song, and said goodbyes. Simple as that. Total, it was about 10 minutes long. When I finished, I went backstage. The boys had about 5 minutes before going on. Liam's was the first face I saw after performing. He smiled, picked me up into a hug, and spun me around. It was the ideal hug. He finished it off with a kiss, and a "Great job, hun!"     

I kissed him back and said, "Thanks, good luck! I'll be watching!" he hugged me again and gave me one last kiss before going on stage. The boys tore it up out there. They were amazing. Incredible. I loved every second of it.     

They came off the stage, which meant more kisses for me, and the next thing we got to do was spend one last night in our apartments. We would leave pretty much in the middle of the night for Sydney. That would be 4:00 am.     

When we got to our apartments, we all crashed. I'm pretty sure Liam and I fell asleep in 2 minutes flat.     

---Louis' POV---    

"Louis, go wake up Liam." Harry commanded.     

"Well, yes sir." I answered, mocking him.     

I walked into Liam's room and found him fast asleep with his arms wrapped around Emily. Aw, so sweet. I couldn't help but wonder what Bethany would think of all of this. I'm the only band member that Liam told about Bethany. I pushed all those thoughts aside and decided to tease them a bit. This is what they get for not setting an alarm. I neared closer to Liam's bed. I'll wake Emily up real nice first. I went over to her and nudged her a bit. "Em. Wake up, babe." I said as she started to wake up. "Yeah, that's it love. Come on, I have an idea."    

---Liam's POV---  

 I woke up to Lou blowing in my ear. I screamed a bit, to be honest. All the guys and Emily were in the room and they were all laughing so hard. They came and ruffled my hair a whole bunch which they knew I hated. When I finally got up, I went over to look in the mirror. Of course, no surprise, I had a sharpie mustache and goatee. I looked at them angrily. The boys had all snuck out of the room. I looked at Emily for only a second, and she knew what I was thinking. "NO!" She screamed, suddenly terrified. She attempted to run out of the room, but I caught her, wrapping my arms around her waist and laying her on the bed, pinning her down. I kissed her lips first, and while she was still disoriented, I found her weak spot. She squirmed a bit before giving up and letting me gently kiss her there. She sighed. I smiled. Then, when I least expected it, she grabbed my head and our lips met again. We moved in sync as usual, when Louis decided to walk in.     

"MY EYES!!! MY EYES!!! Quit kissing you two, and get ready to leave." Louis screamed.     

--Emily's POV--    

I reluctantly went back to my apartment to get ready and grab my stuff. We left five minutes early for once, at 3:55 am.     

On the plane, we flew first class of course, and Liam sat next to me.  I don't remember when, but I yawned and Liam leaned my head on his shoulder, and his head on my head. We fell asleep.     

I woke up to a smirking Louis. I quickly grabbed my iPod that had a mirror screen protector on it to check my face. All clean. Good. Liam, however, now had a unibrow. He woke up and I started laughing. He grabbed my iPod to look at his face. "You're gonna pay for this." He looked at me. I noticed that Louis had snuck back to his seat. I glared at him. Next I knew, his thumb was under my chin, pulling my face towards his. Our lips collided and it seemed that within a second, we were apart again. I should draw on his face more often. Louis grabbed Liam's arm and Zayn grabbed mine. They were dragging us off the plane.     

We arrived at the hotel at around 11:15 am. We had the whole day to ourselves which was really fun.     

Rehearsals and the concert came, just like last time. This time I was singing "Secrets" by oneRepublic.     

After the concert, we got back to the hotel and Liam decided to do a twitcam. I avoided being in it. I didn't want to get tons of hate. Liam looked up at me and said, "Come here..."    

"No, they'll all hate me...." I said quietly.     

"No they won't! Come on......."Liam cooed.     

"Okay...."I said. And started walking over to Liam.     

"You guys, I want to introduce you to someone really special to me. Meet Emily, she's my girlfriend."     I was so nervous. He called me his girlfriend! I didn't have an issue with that, but I'm sure someone will. I said " are you guys?" I was surprised by all the comments. People were saying things like, "Awwwwww you're so pretty!" and "I love you!! xxx" and even "Awwww!!! You and Liam are so cute together! Glad you're both happy!!!"    

I smiled and said "Thanks guys." I saw a comment that said, "Awwwww Liam!!!! She's so beautiful!!!! <3"     

Liam apparently saw it too because he said "I know right?!" And then he kissed me. Twitter pretty much blew up. "Liam and Emily Payne" was trending, and so was "When Emily and Liam kiss," I couldn't help but smile. Liam and I signed off, and just after that, I gained 5,000 followers. Oh my gosh.     

"You really are beautiful." Liam said.     

"I love you Liam James Payne."     

"I love you too Emily."    

We kissed again and fell asleep.   

Forever And Always: A Liam Payne Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now