Chapter 1

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Out of all the paladins the one who took Lance's goodbye or leave the hardest was Keith. He was in love with Lance and blamed himself for making Lance think he wasn't needed in voltron. He wouldn't eat, he wouldn't sleep. He nearly worked himself to death if not for Shiro telling him to get some sleep and start eating properly. Pidge and Hunk were the second people to take Lance's goodbye hard. Pidge basically cried herself to sleep every night, she avoids everyone except Hunk, they would cry together sometimes.

Keith was in his room when he heard a soft knock on his door "Keith?", Keith knew that voice "Shiro?" "yeah...." he walked into Keith's room and grabbed Keith's desk chair, and sat on it opposite of him. "Keith..... I wanted to see if you were doin' ok" "i-im fine Shiro you don't need to worry about me..." he gave Shiro a reassuring smile, Shiro nodded and left. Even though Shiro and Keith were brothers, what Shiro didn't know was that Keith was able to hide his feelings very well and the smile he gave Shiro was so Shiro would believe he was ok but behind the wall/ mask Keith put up, this boy really wasn't ok. Before Keith knew it he had a coughing fit and started throwing up flower petals when his train of thoughts trailed back to Lance, Keith was dying he knew that, he just didn't know why.


Sorry this chapter was really short guys i'll make sure to keep updating soon. And i'm sorry i'm a really crappy writer. Make sure to give me ideas for this story and how many chapters you want~. Oh and the next chapter will be longer thx~~~~~


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