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Hey guys!

Soooo....Yeah, I'm doing it. I'm writing a sequel. Anyways. You might be thinking 'Author-chan. Why are you writing a sequel if Lance is dead'(In this book). Well my gays, here's the reason. I'll be putting one of my OC's into that book, and they'll be helping Keith. I won't say with what though. Anyways, they'll be helping him, and lot of shit will happen. I hope you guys like it. I'm in the middle of writing it right now(not as I'm writing this), and the first chapter should be out within the next couple of days. If not, maybe next week. But.... If you want me to publish it today or tomorrow(maybe the next day), comment, or message me, I don't really mind. It's up you guys. That's it for now. Bye guys!


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