Chapter 2

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Shiro was walking to his room when he stopped outside Keith's room, hearing Keith having a coughing fit. He tried to open the door but it was locked, then he started to slam his hands into the door. "K-Keith.....buddy everybody's worried about you..." Shiro's voice was shakey, tears were now welling up in his eyes and Shiro finally...... broke. His calm breathing turned into hard sobs of sadness and anger, one, sadness for his baby brother and two anger because Lance left to join the galra empire.

Time Skip. Because I want to~~~~~~ (Where lance is)

"So how's my little boy toy doing?" Lotor asked with a huge evil grin on his face. Lance was chained up to the wall in a cell and Lotor went in there every day, whipped him senseless until he passed out, punched him, kicked him, got the galra soldiers to rape him, Lotor sexually assaulted him and hit him with a pole he found. Lance wanted to leave this place, he wanted to spit at Lotor, beat the shit out of him, but Lance was kind of happy. He traded himself for Matt. So Pidge could see her big brother again. Matt would probably be arriving at the castle any minute now.

Back at the castle where Matt is outside of 

"Ok, so how am I supposed to tell Pidge that her best friend traded himself for me....... I feel really bad, he might be getting whipped or raped right now..." Matt thought to himself. "Fuck it".

"Pidge cmon' you have to eat!" "I'm not in the mood for food right now Shiro" Pidge's voice was quiet and shaky. "You have t-" Shiro was interrupted by the doors opening and revealing a hooded figure. "Hey..... Pidgeon..." the stranger said. Pidge's head perked up at the familiar voice. "M-matt?" "Yeah..." Matt took his hood off revealing his scarred face. "Before we get into details about why I'm here we need to ta-" Matt was interrupted by Pidge running over and giving him a rib-crushing hug. She started sobbing really hard now, so Matt cradled her for about 10 minutes before she fell asleep. Matt lay her on the couch and started to shake "none of you are gonna like this so I'm just gonna spit it out" everyone was looking at me with worry plastered on there face, they all look like they haven't had any sleep. "We need to save Lance" "WHY WOULD WE SAVE THAT PRICK!!!" the boy in red basically shouted at Matt. The guy in yellow had tears welling up in his hopefull brown/ hazel eyes. The guy in black had anger plastered everywhere on his face "Why WOULD WE WANT TO SAVE THAT SON OF A BITCH WHO LEFT VOLTRON TO JOIN THE GALRA EMPIRE"the guy in black's voice boomed around the room. The room went silent. "SHUT UP, YOU DONT HAVE ANY IDEA WHAT HE'S BEEN THROUGH, HE LEFT BECAUSE ZARKON SAID HE'D KILL ME IF THE BLUE PALADIN DIDNT COME ALONE BECAUSE HE KNEW  PIDGE WANTED TO SEE ME HOW MUC SHE MISSED ME HE SAVED ME HE'S PROBABLY BEING WHIPPED BY LOTOR OR WORSE RAPED BY THE GALRAN GUARDS RIGHT NOW" Matt's face was red with anger, he wanted to calm down so he left to cool off. Pidge woke up and started crying, Hunk did too, Shiro was just broken inside so he collapsed on the floor bringing his knees to his chest, Coran went to Allura's room to comfort her, Keith looked pale and started to vomit out flower petals he then fainted causing all of the paladins to run over to him puffy eyed.

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