Chapter 3

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All of the paladins of Voltron were broken. Shiro doesn't eat or sleep, nearly works himself to death, mostly cries himself to sleep every night. Hunk is stress baking, not eating any of the food he makes because he feels like he'll puke it up and rarely sleeps. Matt stays in Pidge's room to comfort her when she starts having panic attacks and nightmares, he tells her to eat but she only ever eats an apple. Coran is taking care of Allura and making sure she doesn't do anything stupid. Keith never leaves his room, only goes to the bathroom to puke up flower petals and never talks to any of the team.

Where Lance is-------------

"Lance I'm sick of having you here in this.....cell you are free to leave, take an escape pod back to the castle quickly before I'm caught being nice to you!!". Lotor throws the clothes Lance went there a few months ago in at him and unchains him. "Change quickly!" he rushes out the cell door making sure nobody was coming. Lance puts all of his clothes on quickly and follows Lotor to the escape pod. 'Why is he being so nice to me after damaging me so mu-' Lance's train of thought was interrupted by Lotor pushing him in the escape pod, pressing the button sending the pod away. The last time he looked at Lotor was when Lotor was pushed to the ground and..... stabbed. What Lance didn't notice was that hot tears started to trickle down his tanned skin. Before Lotor was stabbed a wormhole appeared and Lance was starting to get sucked into it, and that's when Lance saw what happened to Lotor. Lance got sucked in and was transported outside the castle. But before Lance could admire its beauty, the beauty he hadn't seen in a long time. The escape pod started to fall because it had lost all power. It crashed against the ground outside of the castle, knocking Lance out cold. 

The room where whats left of the paladins including Matt are discussing how to save Lance

Everyone was in the meeting room discussing how to get Lance back. When they all heard a loud crash, just outside the entrance of the castle "Galra?" Keith asked worriedly as he stared at Shiro "most likely....." Keith felt like throwing up flower petals when his thoughts trailed to Lance. They all grabbed their bayarrds, no lions, and ran towards the entrance to the source of the crash. 'An escape pod' they all thought to themselves. Shiro told them all to stay back and he'd go and check to see who or what was inside. Shiro opened the door to the escape pod, revealing an unconscious but familiar face "......Lance?"       


Sorry about the short chapter guys next one will be long and I'm sorry you gonna have to wait until tomorrow to find out what happens next bye~~~~~~~~ I don't feel bad what so ever because I'm Voltron trash.


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