Chapter 4

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                                                                       3 years later

Lance came back to Voltron.

Lance told Keith he loved him back and Keith didn't have the Hanahaki disease anymore.

They were back to normal but there was one slight problem. And that problem was Keith. He went into a depression and started cutting himself. He nearly died one night but Lance found him and ran to the healing pod room. Lance told Keith to promise he wouldn't do it again and he promised. But he broke his promise and that's where we are now, Keith holding his Bayard to his throat, in his bathroom, looking at his own, disgusting, ugly reflection. Then he heard a light knock on his door "babe, you in there?" Lance started panicking when he didn't reply "Keith..... babe open the door please and we can talk about this..." Lance's voice was shaky, he knew exactly what Keith was doing. "SHIRO!!!!" Lance called out trying to get the door open and then Keith started panicking. Shiro eventually broke the door down. Keith forgot to lock the bathroom door which Shiro flung open. Lance tried getting the blade out of Keith's hand. He grabbed the sharp bit of the sword and started to pull it out of his lover's hand. It slipped out of Lance's hand and went straight into his abdomen causing him to cough up blood. Lance moved closer to his lover and hugged him which caused the blade to go straight through him. "Lance....why" Keith began sobbing on his lover's shoulder "because...I" Lance's breathing stopped which caused Keith to cry even harder. Shiro had tears streaming down his face and he screamed to catch the others attention which it did because they all ran into Keith's room and saw what had happened.

'I broke Voltron' Keith thought.

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