Bruce's idea

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"Clint!" Steve shouted. he went to kneel beside him, but Tony maced him as well. she grabbed his arm with a scream and flung him onto his back. she jumped up on one of the shelves and hugged the wall. Bruce, Natasha, and Phil came running in.

"Steve!" Phil cried, kneeling beside him. "are you okay?" Phil ask.

"she fucking maced us!" Clint hissed. Bruce ignored everyone laying on the ground, walking around them.

"Tony come on. get down from there." Bruce called.

"that is not my name!" Tony hissed.

"Tony Stark. get down here." Bruce glared. Tony relaxed. she giggled.

"oh yeah that is. catch!" Tony laughed, jumping off the shelf. Bruce was quick to catch her. he sat her down, looking her over.

"I think somethings wrong with her. head trauma or something. she needs a hospital." Bruce said, scooping Tony back up. Tony muttered, resting her head against his shoulder. she was playing with Bruce's hair, just by looking in her eye's he could tell something was off.

"slipped something in my drink." Tony slurred.

"I bet. come on." Bruce muttered.

"get up guys Tony needs a doctor." Natasha glared.

"we're in pain Nat." Clint muttered.

"need I remind you what could've happened to her before we realized she was missing?" Natasha glared. Clint groaned picking himself up off the floor.

"fine." Clint muttered. Steve stood, leaning against Phil.

"Tony may need help, but not as much as those three do." Steve muttered. the others looked, there were three guys on the floor. one was clearly dead. the other two unconscious and broken.

"I don't think you have to worry Natasha. I don't think she let them hurt her. looks like just the opposite." Clint muttered, standing up slightly.

"there is a fork in that mans eye. I'm out." Phil muttered turning to stand in the doorway and face away from them.

"she might've been drugged." Bruce said, holding her body.

"those three were at the bar, when Tony walked over they all started talking to her. she handled that guy before, I didn't say anything." Phil muttered, scratching the back of his neck.

"screw your guilt. okay. she needs a doctor now." Bruce said carrying Tony off. the others quickly followed.

*a few hours later*

Tony groaned softly, slowly opening her eye's. the room was dark, but Tony's eye's adjusted quickly.

"oh man, hell of a hang over." Tony slurred.

"not a hang over. you were drugged at the bar." Bruce said. Tony looked over at him.

"huh?" Tony ask confused.

"three guys drugged you." Natasha muttered. "but you were smart enough to use the mace." Natasha smirked. Tony closed her eye's thinking.

"no memory of this." Tony shrugged. she didn't appear worried at all.

"you don't seem scared or afraid." Phil muttered. Tony shook her head.

"I'm not stupid. I know I covered my ass. I can tell." Tony smirked.

"how?" Bruce ask curiously.

"Steve and Clint. they're hurt. meaning someone they didn't want to hurt attacked them. clearly I was drunk, drugged, and still had it." Tony smirked. she winced holding her head and closing her eye's as someone turned the lights on. "owww, turn them off." Tony groaned. immediately Steve reached over and flipped the lights off, sending a nasty glare towards the nurse who had turned them on.

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