2:37 AM | 1

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disclaimer :

deku swears in a certain part. i added it since it sort of shows how angry he is since he rarely curses. i apologize for that. (i hate swearing actually. i'll do it just this once)


It was 2:37 in the morning. No One was Awake in The Heights Alliance. Except for Deku.

Deku woke up all of a sudden and looks over at his veranda, the sun's rays invisible to his eyes. Perhaps because the sun wasn't out yet.

He was wondering how did he wake up this early. Was there a noise that woke him up? He can easily confirm that no one was planning any pranks tonight.

Perhaps it was because of a strange noise of rocks falling that woke him up.

He eventually decides to go out for training today instead of going back to sleep. The thought of wasting his time in bed certainly did disappoint him in his own actions. He gets up and changes his clothes to a comfortable athletic attire before exiting the dim room.

He opens his door slowly and peeks through the hallway to see if anyone was awake. He sees no one.

He sighs in relief after seeing the sight before closing the door gently before heading downstairs.

It was quiet. All he could hear was his own footsteps and his own heavy breathing with every step he took.

He eventually reaches downstairs, only to be greeted with a room fully engulfed by darkness and silence soaring in it.

Deku had no liking of the atmosphere in the living room, causing him to switch the lights on. He instantly became comfortable with the new atmosphere set before him.

He approaches to the kitchen to drink a glass of water before beginning his training. Staying hydrated was something he knew was important. So, before starting training it's best to stay healthy.

He pulls the pitcher of water out from the fridge and pours the cold liquid into a clear glass.

The boy chugged the whole thing before slamming it against the counter, a loud thud soaring in the area due to the simple action.

He rubs his mop of green hair and let's out a yawn. He knew he was still tired but didn't care at all, he wanted to train to make himself stronger in order to acheive his dream of becoming a pro hero.

It did stress him out but, he knew very well  in order to reach success was to work hard. And when you have spare time in your hands, why not use it to be productive? Do something that'll definitely spark your future into something remarkable. Change something that's an illusion to you into a ... reality.

He exited the Dormitory and stood by the main door quietly. "It's still pretty cold.." he muttered to himself after noticing the cold temperature that grasped his skin tightly.

He looked around, and took a look at the dark blue sky. "The stars are still out too.." he murmured again, shivering slightly.

He stops his gazing session and decides to start training. He goes around the dormitory building to the backyard, also known as his training spot (though it would be safer in the woods for him).

Suddenly, he hears a ton of objects falling, and ... someone panting? He had no idea what he was hearing at all. Deku hides immediatly and decides to listen to the noise carefully

"No .. that's not right!"

He hears a voice talking all of a sudden, it sounded .. disappointed and frustrated. He predicted it would be a girl from how high pitched her voice was, 'Who's there? Is it a villian perhaps?' Deku thought preparing himself to capture whoever was there.

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