the hangout | 5

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Deku puts on his white shirt, and overlapps it with a gray hoodie. He grabs his light blue rain coat and puts on his red boots. "I guess this is okay.." He says, looking at his outfit at the mirror, "I wonder if wearing jeans was a good idea.." he mumbles. "Midoriya!" Deku flinches as his name was being called out by Kaminari, "We're heading out now, hurry up!" He continues. "Coming!" Deku replies back and hurries to the door. He runs down the stairs and sees the boys heading out already, "Wait Up!" He calls out, running towards them. "Good timing" Todoroki says, looking at him as he rushes to the door, "Uhm, yeah" Deku says, panting. "See you all later!" Mina bids them farewell before they shut the door. Kaminari stays still as he examines the raindrops falling down, "Damn, it's raining real hard.." Kirishima says as he stands beside Kaminari. "Yeah right? And I'm scared of rain so can I stay with the girls? cool? okay bye!" Mineta attempts to escape just to stay with all the female students, but was stopped by Shoji pulling Mineta's collar. "You're not going anywhere." Shoji says, "No! Let Me Go!!" Mineta begged. "Fucking pervert." Bakugou glares at Mineta, who's still struggling to escape. Todoroki pulls out his red umbrella and leaves, "HEY! DON'T LEAVE US HERE, YOU MOTHERFUCKER!!" Bakugou shouts at him, leaving the group of boys. "Calm down. Mineta has another one, and Shoji too." Todoroki replies looking back at him. The guys look at Mineta and Shoji, waiting for their response. "What?" The two boys say in unison.

The next thing you know, the boys were separated and were under different umbrellas.

Todoroki was with Koda and Tokoyami

Mineta's blue umbrella was handed over to Shoji, who was with Mineta and Sato, since Mineta was short, there was still enough room for Ojiro.

Shoji's umbrella was in the hands of Iida, who was accompanied by Aoyama, and Sato.

Leaving Deku, Bakugou, Kirishima and Kaminari in the rain, walking their way towards the school gates to leave the campus. "Jeez! Why weren't we able to bring an umbrella?" Kirishima complains, sheltering himself with his hood. Kaminari lets out a sigh, "Dunno" He replies. The boys' shoes were getting soaked on the puddles they stepped on, and faces getting splashed with waterdrops. "Where are we heading anyways?" Kirishima asks Kaminari, "Dunno" He replies. "THE FUCK??? WHY DID WE LEAVE THEN, PISS COLORED HAIR?!" Bakugou shouts in rage. Kaminari sighs, "Where do you guys wanna go?" He says as looks back at the boys who had umbrellas. "A Stripper Clu--" Mineta was interrupted by Shoji's palm covering his mouth, "A Mall, perhaps?" Iida suggests, "What a Cliché.. ☆" Aoyama states, making Iida glare at him. "A Theme Park!" Koda says, raising his hand. Everyone looks at each other, making Koda anxious. "..No?" Koda quielty says, "Oh, it's totally fine! But it would be better if the whole class came.." Kaminari says, reassuring him. "I agree." Todoroki says out loud. "I have a suggestion.." Ojiro says quietly, raising his hand slowly, "Maybe..A Restaurant? Then after that we can head out to an arcade?" Everyone stares at him, and their faces slowly lit up. "That seems cool! Let's head out now!" Kaminari says, running out of campus's gates. Everyone tries to catch up to him, while Deku stood still, watching the boys running.

"Hey isn't what Ojiro suggested a mall?!" Deku hears Iida complaining, "Whatever!" Kaminari shouts back to him. The green head boy sighed, wondering why he seems to be not having fun. "What are you waiting for?" Deku hears Kirishima behind him. "I'm gonna move if you're gonna move" He says, laughing. Deku simply smiles and continues walking. "Hey! I'd thought you'd play along.." Kirishima says stubbornly, running after him. "Play Along in what?" Deku asks, aware of his reply and even the answer. "Never mind.." Kirishima gives up in explaining, making Deku chuckle.

After taking the train, the boys reach Kiyashi Ward Shopping Mall, the same location where Deku met Tomura. "You sure we should head to this mall?" Kirishima asks Kaminari, "Is it because of Shigaraki? Psh, he's gone now." Kaminari reassures him. "Anyways, let's eat, I'm starving.." "Same here.." Todoroki says, closing his umbrella and entering the mall, while everyone follows. The boys examine the gigantic place and were amazed by it. "I miss going out to places.." Sero says to himself as he gazes around, "I know right?" Sato says, with his face lighting up. The two suddenly started walking together, examining the place, and getting lost without even realizing it. "Oh dear, Look! There's jewelry store ~ ☆" Aoyama says, skipping towards it, "Hey, wait! Don't get lost, Aoyama!" Ojiro calls out, following him. Bakugou looks around and sighs, "Why the fuck did I even agree to come.." He mutters, pissed off. "Well, if you didn't come, you'd be fucking all the gir--" Mineta was interrupted once again by Shoji, who picked him up and ran off, Bakugou glares at Mineta after knowing what the purple head pervert was suppose to say.
"GET THE FUCK BACK HERE GRAPE HEAD!!" Bakugou calls out, chasing Shoji who was running towards a department store. "This is you're fault..!!" Shoji whispers to Mineta, as he covers his mouth. "We just arrived and now some of us are gone.." Todoroki tells Kaminari, "I know, I know.. Let's leave them be! They seem to be having fun!" Kaminari says, giving a thumbs up. "But..Shoji-- I mean, Mineta is being chased by Bakugou, and this could really ruin their reputations because of their immature behavior, ruining U.A's reputation too." Iida points out. The boys look at each other and sighed, "I'll go find them.." Kirishima volunteers before walking away. "We'll text you guys where were eating!" Kaminari says, waving at him. "It seems like you don't care at all, Kaminari.." Iida says, "I care, I swear!" Kaminari snickers. "Anyways, since Midoriya, Iida, Koda, Tokoyami and Todoroki are left, let's get some food!" He says, pointing at the sky. "Why are you pointing at the ceiling..?" Iida says, curious and amused. "Nothing in particular, but let's go there!" Kaminari moves his hand to point at a Steak House. "Since when was that there..?" Todoroki says curiously, "Don't know. Don't Care!" Kaminari says running in the restaurant as everyone follows.

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