"what a cliché." | 2

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The two students finally reach the school building.

The huge shelter was rather empty and quiet, the sun rays lighting up the silent halls.

Ochako was examining each classrooom she passed, while Deku's eyes kept looking forward. He glances at Ochako, his eyes catching the sight at her bleeding wrist that wrapped with the portion of Ochako's Navy Blue shirt. The brunette hid it by the side of her hip, trying her best to not reveal the bleeding wound. Guilt instantly fills the boy's insides for not helping her at all.

He then remembers he had a Mint Green colored handkerchief in his pocket. He stops his tracks and pulls the small piece of cloth out.

Ochako, in the other hand, stopped walking too. She notices the handkerchief with curiousity in her eyes.

"Deku, what's that suppose to be?" She asks, getting a closer look of the tiny fabric. "Oh .. Give me your wrist for a second" Deku says looking at her with a little smile.

Ochako was still quite perplexed by his sudden request, but agreed to give her wrist anyway.

Deku ties the handkerchief on her bruise firmly, trying to not sting the wound even more. ".. There you go!" Deku says, satisfied from successfully tying the handkerchief on her wrist

He looks at Ochako, who's face was filled with wonder. Her eyes glistened by the sight of the fabric. Her eyes looked lost but in a rather good manner. The boy noticed this and instantly felt slight regret.

Did he make her uncomfortable? Did he make things awkward? Questions similar to these fill the boy's head. Before he could even apologise (for no good reason), the brunette spoke.

She lifted her eyes to him, her smile light. "Thanks." She thanked him, her eyes still filled with wonderful sparkles like stars.

"N-No problem.." He stutters from seeing her little smile once again. A shade of red paints on his face slowly.

"I ha-had to do that since Recovery Girl's Nurse Office is still quite far a-and your bruise might get worse on the way, so .." Deku scratches the back of his neck rapidly, looking to the other side as he speaks.

"That's really sweet of you, thanks so much." Ochako thanks him once again with her sweet smile on her face. Every sentence, every word, every syllable she let out, it was filled with honesty, admiration and perhaps even ... love? No, that's too cheezy.

Deku's crimson red face softened. His shoulders relaxed. Her sweet smile, despite it being somewhat a source of his blushes, it was also the reason he felt so calm.

"Yeah .. let's get going now." he says, turning his back around to continue his 'journey' to the infirmary. Ochako walks behind him, secretly taking a few close glances at the Mint Green handkerchief. She smiles from thinking this handkerchief around her wrist, was from Deku.

Their 'journey'to the infirmary finally ended, they stood staring at the door for a while and looked at each other, knowing one of them has to open the door. Deku insists to open it, just so they both would stop staring at each other waiting for someone to open it.

He opened the door, surprisingly, since he expected it to be locked. He switched the lights on of the empty room to see no one in it. The room was completely white, slightly giving an unsettling feeling to the pair.

He walks over to the white cabinet beside Recovery Girl's work desk, dipping his hands inside.

"Uraraka, wash your arm for now, I'll look for the bandages.." He says, still looking through the cabinet.

HER SMILE | izuochaWhere stories live. Discover now