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Louis wakes up and sees Harry still asleep. "Morning Love." Louis closes his eyes. Harry gets up and looks over at Louis. "Lou get up," Louis mumbles and turns over. Harry kneels on the bed and puts his hand on Louis' waist. "Get up." Louis shakes his head. Harry sighs and tickles his side. "Harry stop ticking me!" Louis starts giggling and Harry smiles at him and stops.

 "I'm sorry, get up." Louis gets up and stretches, cracking his back. Harry watches how his muscles move and he moves closer to him. Harry rests his hand on Louis' cheek and looks at him. "Haz?" Harry leans down and kisses him. Louis at first wants to push Harry off then he melts into it.

Louis leans back on the bed with Harry on top of him. Harry unlocks his lips with Louis. His face red and a string of saliva connecting them. "Lou?" "Y-yeah?" "I like you so much." Louis' face flushes and he pulls Harry down. "Do you really like me?" "Of course, I'm going on a date with you, aren't I?" "Y-yeah..." Harry kisses his lips one more time. Louis feels his pants tightening and wants it to stop before it's noticeable.

"Harry please, can you get off?" Harry gets off Louis and looks down. "You okay?" Louis sits up and folds his hands in his lap. "I'm fine, I just needed to breathe." Harry nods and takes his hands. "Lou, when's our date?" "I know I asked you out but I was hoping you would plan it?" Harry smiles. "Sure." Harry pulls Louis up, picks him up, and lays him on the bed. "C-could we....... f-fool around b-before the d-date?" "Y-you're only 13..." "I give you my consent for doing this, do I have yours?" Louis nods. Harry starts by kissing his neck. Louis exposes more of his neck to Harry.

"H-Harry..." Louis moans his name when he feels Harry kissing a spot on his neck, below his ear and below his jaw, almost where his pulse is. Louis feels his teeth making a mark. Louis arches his neck with his eyes closed and mouth open. "You look so sexy like that." Harry gets off him and goes to his closet. " 'Arry?" "Yeah?" "What's that?" "A box." "What's in it?" "a surprise." Harry takes out the small box and sits beside Louis. "Wanna see?" Louis nods. Harry opens it and  Louis looks inside. He sees a bunch of toys.

"What'd you wanna use?" Harry sets the box and goes back to kissing Louis' neck. "just wait for it, Lou." Louis nods. Harry snakes his hands up Louis' shirt and they stop at his already hard nipples. Louis feels Harry's slightly cold hands and moans. " 'Arry~" Harry gets up and goes to the box. Harry grabs something in the box. Louis can't see what it is. Harry turns back around and holds the things up. Louis looks at them with wide eyes. Harry smiles slightly embarrassed.

Harry's face turns bright red and he tosses the handcuffs on the bed. "I-If it's o-okay." Louis nods hesitantly and Harry goes back to kissing him. Louis feels around for the cuffs but Harry grabs his wrists."Be patient babe" Louis whines and looks at Harry. "Haz, please..." Harry smiles at Louis and grabs the cuffs. "Wrists for legs?" "W-wrists." Harry cuffs Louis' wrists to the bedposts. "That o-okay?" Louis nods. "When did you find this out?" "Huh?" "How did learn about this?" 

Harry hides his face. "I was like 7 and looked on my father's laptop." Louis laughs with amusement. "Oh Haz." Harry bites Louis' neck and makes him go quiet. "Lou, I was young I didn't know." Louis pulls against the restraints. Harry looks at him. "Do you want them off?" "I just wanted to touch you." Harry uncuffs one wrist and Louis rubs it up and down Harry's back. Louis phones buzz and they groan. He looks at it. "My friends are coming over." Harry nods and looks at Louis' other wrist.

"Can you uncuff me?" Harry uncuffs him. "How about we get dressed and you can hang out with your friends." Louis looks at Harry. "What about you?" "Your friends won't wanna hang out with someone 3 years younger." Louis sits up. "you're not leaving, this is your house." Harry nods and looks at Louis. Louis smiles and takes his hands. "They won't say anything about you, trust me?" "I trust you." Louis smiles and gives him a sweet little kiss. Harry smiles and Louis smiles at Harry's smile. 

They get dressed in clean clothes and head over to Louis' house. Once there, they get a knock on the door. Louis get up and answers it. "Hey guys." "Hey, Louis." They walk in and Harry looks at the three older guys. "Whose this Lou?" "this is Harry, he's my friend from school." "Harry, this is Niall, Zayn, and Liam." Harry smiles and they smile back.


After a while Zayn speaks up. "Are you younger than Louis?" "yeah." "Why do you hang out with him?" Louis looks over at Zayn then Harry.  "I don't know." Louis wraps his arms around Harry and looks at Zayn. "Zayn, can I speak to you... alone." Zayn and Louis leave. "What?" "Don't bring up Harry's age." "Why?" "He knows he's younger than me but we're friends." "How?" "He's in my class." "Dating anyone?" "Me or Harry?" "Harry." "Yeah, Why?" "He's cute, wouldn't you say?" "Yeah, as a friends view."

Louis goes back to Harry and sees his eyes are red. "Hey guys, can we call it day." They leave and Louis pulls Harry to his room. "Haz, you okay?" "I'm fine..." "You're not okay...Zayn was a jerk." Harry looks at Louis. "He's right..." Louis wraps his arms around his waist and kisses his cheek. "You can hang out with me whenever and Zayn isn't the easiest to get used to." Harry smiles at Louis and Louis kisses him. Harry lays down on the bed and Louis kisses his neck. "Lou...why do you like me?" Louis stops kissing the lad and looks at him. Harry plays with his fingers.

 "Lou, you could find someone else, you don't have to pity me." Louis straddles Harry's hips and grabs the edge of his shirt. "Now Harry, why would I do that when I love you." Harry stares at him with wide eyes. "y-you do?" Louis smiles and nods. "Of course, I love you." "I-I love y-you too." Louis smiles at the younger lad. Louis leans down and kisses his neck. "L-Louis..." "Yeah?" "C-can we w-wait." "I'll wait until your comfortable with doing anything sexual." Harry nods and Louis gets off his hips. "Tired Lou?" "Yeah, little bit." "night love." "Night Hazza." Harry wraps his arms around Louis and nuzzles his face into his neck. "I love you, Lou, Zayn's an arsehole."

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