06 | 「The Next Day」

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I sat on my chair, a frown plastered on my face. Ugh, I don't feel like going to school today. Why am I feeling jealous towards Angela?

She's one of my best friend, so she won't love Gusion, right? She also knows that Gusion is my boyfriend.

But still... That image in my dream... That image of Angela is dating Gusion. What the hell should I do now?! And Angela has been watching him lately...

Suddenly, Angela went inside our classroom. Speak of the devil. She rushes into my chair. "Lesley! There you are!" Angela called my name.

"What?" I replied, as I rolled my eyes lazily. "Nothing. I'm just bored," Angela shrugged. "Anyways, Angela. When will Gusion help us practice?" I asked.

Angela blinked. "Gusion didn't tell you about it?" she asked. "Nope," I replied. "Well, it started today!" she said with a cheery tune.

"Oh... Thanks for the information, Angela," I said. "No probs!" she said. She went to Layla's chair, and talked with her.

I grabbed my phone, and my eyes widen when I saw that I got 20+ notifications. Yup. All of those messages are from Gusion.

I raised my eyebrow, as I checked his chat. I frowned once I saw that his messages are only spamming 'Lesley' several times.

I replied with 'Yes? What's wrong?'. After a few seconds, he replied. He said 'Nothing'. I typed again.


Yes? What's wrong?


Okay, then... Oh, and Gusion. What're you doing last night? Why didn't you reply to my text?


I've told you, Lesley. I'm watching TV.


Was he... Angry? And... Which one is telling the truth? Angela said that they were chatting last night... And Gusion, he said that he was watching TV...

Which one should I trust?

It could be that Gusion was lying... Or Gusion was telling the truth, while Angela said that to make me jealous?

But... Last night, Gusion was online. Who should I trust? Reader, please help me...


*fourth wall has broken*

To be Continued...
This is probably my shortest chapter!
And what do you guys think?
Who should Lesley trust?

Jealousy : Lesley x Gusion (A Mobile Legends Fanfiction) [✔]Where stories live. Discover now