13| 「Old Friends」

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I bought one of the cotton candies, with the strawberry-flavoured one. I smiled as I ate it slowly, enjoying the sweet taste in my mouth.

Suddenly, somebody hit my back. I coughed, as I turned around to see who the fuck dare to annoys me when my mood is getting better.

My eyes widen, when I realized who interrupted my moment. That grin... It's Saber and Estes! They're both my best friends, before I was transferred to another school in the Land of Dawn.

"Aaa! Estes, Saber!" I yelled with a wide smile on my face. I haven't met them for like, 3 years! I missed them so much!

"Hi, Lesley. Long time no see,"Estes said. Behind him is Saber, who grinned like a crazy. "Yo!" Saber greeted.

I smiled. Saber is my bestfriend, while Estes... Well, Saber said that Estes has a crush on me. But I always treated him as my older brother.

We chit-chatted for a while, until a voice that I recognized yelled my name. "Lesley! Where are you?!" that familiar voice yelled.

It was Gusion's voice. I saw Angela looked around, then she pointed at me. Gusion and Angela then walked towards me.

"There you are! Where the heck were you? We're worried!" Angela yelled, as she kicked one of my leg slowly.

A kick that she thought wouldn't hurt at all, is actually making a huge impact towards my wounded leg.

I screamed, as I kneeled down, while holding my leg that Angela kicked. Estes noticed this, and quickly kneeled beside me.

He checked my leg that I was holding, then he gasped. "What the hell?! What happened, Lesley?" he asked, as he healed my wounds.

I ignored his question, as I closed my eyes. I felt somebody pat my head. I opened my eyes, and saw Saber patting my head.

He smiled, "Don't worry, it'll be better soon! Estes will heal you,". I nodded, as I smiled back.

To be Continued...
Just a small chappie!

Jealousy : Lesley x Gusion (A Mobile Legends Fanfiction) [✔]Where stories live. Discover now