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SORRY ITS TAKING ME SO LONG TO UPDATE. a little info, i moved and am not living with my caregivers, i dont know if i told you all that yet. and i just dont get on my computer as much anymore. ive also hit a block in my writing but im trying so hard to get out of it so i can finish this for you guys.. please enjoy this update and again sorry it took so long! feel free to message me if you guys want. 

When jimin woke up he felt someone touching his head, not touching but petting him. He leaned into the touch but it stopped.

Jimin whined before opening his eyes to look at the monster who dared to remove their hand from his head.

The culprit, namjoon.

"Hey, i didn't mean to wake you." he smiled at jimin before getting up off the bed. " jin made breakfast if you're hungry."

Jimin smiled at him before letting his eyes close for just a second longer. He may have been out longer than he had wanted to be but he was alright with that as the smell of breakfast wafted into his nose and woke him up pleasantly.

He took a moment to stretch and rub the remains of sleep from his eyes before getting up and walking into the kitchen.

" good morning jin." jimin looked up at the older with a smile.

Jin looked at him and smiled back with a plate of bacon in his hands. "Here you go jimin, be careful it's hot." once jin was done with the cooking for everyone else the two sat at the table and ate in silence waiting for the rest to join them. The first was of course namjoon who looked like he had just gotten out of the shower.

"Good morning hyung" jimin looked up at him and smiled, cheeks puffed out with bacon.

Namjoon smiled and patted jimins head. " good morning cutie. How did you sleep ?"

Jimin waited a while before he could answer so he didn't rudely talk with a mouthful of food again. " i slept good. I had a nice dream about everyone helping care for me. It made me really happy." he looked down at his now empty plate and thought about getting more.

"That's good to hear jimin. We will always accept you for who you are even if it takes some of us a while to get there." jin said hinting at a couple of boys they both know of who had trouble understanding the entire situation. Namjoon smiled as well before picking up a plate of eggs and hashbrowns and sitting down.

" why didn't you tell us about this before though?" said namjoon as he scooped up a bunch of eggs on his fork.

Jimin sat and thought about it before answering. " it's not exactly a very good lifestyle to just throw upon people. Some people do it for sexual reasons others do it to cope with trauma some just do it for stress. And like jin said, it's hard for others to understand to the point you could actually lose friends over it. I just didn't want to lose you guys, you're my family."

Jimin got up and put his plate in the nearby sink as he finished talking.

The two elders nodded their heads agreeing with jimins words. It was a while before anyone talked. It was thankfully not an awkward silence either. It wasn't much longer for everyone else to wake up and grab their plates of food and sit down. Jungkook and taehyung kept their eyes on jimin as he looked at his phone.

" how come you aren't little jiminie?" tae was the first to speak up causing jimin to look up from his phone.

" i'm not always going to be in little space guys." he said with a chuckle realizing jungkook was wondering the same thing. They both had an upset look on their face after being told this." its ok guys when he feel like being little or slips into little space we will let you guys play with him the entire time how does that sound ?" the two smiled and shook their head after shoving a spoon full of cereal in their mouths. " good. Jimin what do you have planned today ?" jin looked back at him.

" nothing too important, i got an email from the school saying that i'll have a sub for a few weeks apparently so no work for me, i'll still get paid time off though. So i guess that means i need to pay some bills and then just relax." he locked his phone and put it on the counter next to him.

"Well good. Do you want to go to the mall with us then when everything is done?"

Jimin gave a nod before walking to the hallway.

" i'm going to go take a shower though. I can smell myself." he cringed as he took a breath in. "Alright see you in a little bit then." jin took his and namjoons plate to the sink and started to rinse them off.  

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