chapter 5

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Jimin was sitting alone while the others sat across from him, which didn't only make him feel awkward but also very uncomfortable and unsafe. He looked down at his pig and started to pet the top of its head to try and calm down. He didn't know why the eyes of the other members felt so hostile towards him. He's known them all for 8 years now there is no need to feel troubled.

But he did and it really got to him as his eyes started to water and his fidgeting got worse. The others looked at each other not sure what to do but jin, the hero he is, stepped in and sat next to jimin and wrapped his arms around jimin before the crying begun. it started out just as a sniffle here and there and quiet tears falling down his face and then it begun. The realization that bad things are possible scared little jimin to the point where he crawled into jin's lap still crying and holding on to the older tight as he could. Jin rubbed his back while the little cried in his arms. Jin looked up to the others and gave them all a look.

Namjoon being the unpronounced leader of the group got up and walked over to the other chair where jin and jimin were seated. Namjoon looked over to the others giving a defeated look before reaching out his arm to rub jimins back as well.

"It's alright jiminie, there's no need to cry. Hyung doesn't like it when you're upset." namjoon quietly talked to jimin who quit sobbing and was now just quietly sniffling.

"See it's ok, baby. Do you still wanna tell your friends about you?" jin quit soothing jimin for a moment and lifted his head up to look at the younger's face. Jimin nodded his head.

He took a big breath clutched his stuffie in his hands tightly before turning around in jin's lap to face the others.

He had to be big now or as big as he could be for the moment. "I-I am little because it helps me rela-relax." he paused to get rid of the saliva that all of a sudden flooded his mouth and messed his speech up. "When i get stressed and it makes me feel weird-"

" i think the word you are looking for is frustrated, right jiminie?"

Jimin nodded his head. " yea. I like to color and play with my stuffies, oh this is" jimin showed a very worn and small pink pig to them. He couldn't see it but jin and namjoon were both smiling at the gesture. " i dont, i dont like the way people use little space as something sexual, i don't do it either. It's weird i think." jimin returned to playing with as if his episode of crying had never even happened.

"Jiminie leave now?" jimin looked up at jin who smiled and nodded. Jimin jumped off the chair and hauled it to his room to play with his blocks.

Jin looked at everyone who were basically sitting with gaping mouths. " well?"

Namjoon smiled and just shook his head. " it's cute but i'm going to have to look up a lot to really understand."

" its really cute right kookie ?" taehyung looked at jungkook who looked at him and shrugged.

" it's weird, but as long as it makes him happy then I am fine with that." taehyung smiled and hugged jungkook.

Yoongi and hoseok sat in silence. They weren't quite as shocked but weren't normal either. Jin looked at them for a moment before saying anything.

Hoseok was the first to speak. " how does that all work does he pretend to be a child or is something wrong with him?" yoongi looked at hoseok and then back at jin. " i was thinking the same thing. Does he need therapy ?"

Jin sighed. " it's a mental thing yes, but its nothing bad like depression and issues like that, in fact it is completely harmless to him and us. He might grow out of it as time goes on but don't let me catch you saying anything mean to him or acting different while he is in his headspace or out. It won't end well for either of you. All i ask is that you give him a chance."

They both nodded hesitantly before getting up. " we have some errands to run. I'm glad he isn't sick or anything and that he just overslept. See you guys later." they waved before leaving out the door.

Jin looked at jungkook and taehyung. " do you guys wanna spy on him while he plays?"

They nodded eagerly, namjoon included. They got up and walked as quietly as they could to the room.  

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