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<Week four>

[Third Person]

Tell Cassie David she can't do something and she'll do everything in her power to prove you wrong. She's always been like that. Even when she was a little girl.

She's not competitive. She's just very determined.

When her brother in law told her about his patient, she had no idea how she'd tackle this. She had obviously suffered from chronic depression. But his case was so severe. She didn't have to much faith that she could actually help him.

But the past four weeks have showed her something. They have shown her how difficult it was for her to bounce back and be happy again. She suffered for two long years. She didn't date. She didn't go out.

And just like Justin... She hasn't had sex either.

At first she was afraid. Well she still is afraid. The only reason she practically threw herself at Justin, hoping he'd take her was so that he could release some frustration. But to be honest... After being raped over and over and over again, being intimate with anyone scares the shit out of her.

But she felt something different with Justin. She felt a connection with him that she could never feel with anyone else. In the past four weeks, she cared for him. She really wanted to help him. And the one thing that scared her the most...

She's falling in love with him.

She doesn't know how it happened. It just did.

But she can't let him know. She doesn't want to be rejected again. So she'll keep it to herself. And let her heartbreak with every a chin moment that she can't tell him how she really feels.


Waking up from my not so good slumber, I wipe my red eyes, raising up in my bed. Suddenly, I smell something. Pancakes. And not just any pancakes.


"Ugh... Mama." I groan, sliding out of bed and slipping on my shoes.

"Well well well... If it isn't bird nest Davis." My adopted mom teases as I walk into the kitchen.

"Morning mom." I yawn, going around the stove to peck her cheek.

"Morning lady bug." She says finishing the pancakes.

"Is Justin up?" I ask timidly.

"Yes... He's freshening up. He'll be out in a few. Cassie... Where have you been hiding him?"

"What do you mean?"

"I mean you have a freaking sex god in your apartment and you didn't tell your mama."

I swallow hard. "He's just a friend."

"Yeah a very sexy friend." She smirks.

"Relax ma. He's not even sexually attracted to me." I mumble.

"What? Why the hell not?!" She yelps.

"Shh! Ma, keep your voice down." I hiss.

"I don't believe you." She says putting the pancakes on the plate and going to wash the pan.

"Well believe it."

"And how can you be sure that he isn't attracted to you?" She asks washing the pan.

"I just... I just do alright." I say, taking a pancake.

"Cassie... What did you do?" She asks putting away the clean dishes.

"W-What makes y-you think I did s-something?" I stammer.

She glares at me, her hand on her hip. "Cassie Renae Davis. What did you so? And don't lie to me."

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