The Deuce

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One Month Later

Jameson couldn't help the thrill she got as she and Wade did the last walk through at the club. Everything looked great and she was ticking things off of her list as they walked. 

"The doors for the back rooms are as we specified?"

Wade nodded as they walked by the long bar that set along one wall. "Yep. Hidden in the wall with anti-battering bars on the inside and lookout doors."

"Excellent. The emergency exits for those rooms?"

Wade grinned. "As you asked, trap doors with a flight of stairs to an underground tunnel."

Jameson chuckled, delighted that things were falling into place. The main bar would serve the general public but the back rooms would be for private parties, gambling, and three young ladies to ply their trade in secrecy. She couldn't help but laugh to herself when she thought of what her parents would think. Her mother would be horrified, but her father would probably pat her on the back. She had learned a thing or two from dear old dad the years before he died, and the most important thing she learned was: don't get caught.

"Will we be ready to open tomorrow night? The licenses have been issued?"

Wade nodded, pointing to framed paperwork on the wall behind the bar. "Yeah, they came through today, and our first shipment of liquor is due anytime now."

"Great!" She sighed, looking around once more before glancing back at Wade. "I'm going to go run a few errands then head home. Don't stay here too long. We can come in tomorrow morning and finish up anything that needs doing."

She walked out into the afternoon sunshine, grinning from ear to ear. She was thrilled with the way things were going and couldn't wait until they opened for business.


Across town, there was a meeting going on at Teller-Morrow Auto. After discussing old business, Clay looked around the table at the other men.

"We know anything at all about that new club on the edge of town?"

Jaz shook his head. "No, other than they open tomorrow night. Unser's being really quiet about who owns it."

Clay sighed as he puffed on a cigar as Tig spoke up from beside him. "That's strange. He usually spills any news he has to us ahead of time."

Clay nodded. "Yeah, it is strange." He pointed down the table at a young man with a mohawk and tribal tattoos on his scalp. "Juice, get me whatever you can dig up on The Double Deuce and its owners. Other than that, I guess we do it the old-fashioned way."

Tig chuckled. "I can always use a drink, brother."

Everyone laughed but Clay shook his head. "Yeah, I know, but I have a run I need you, Bobby, and Half-Sack to make. Jax, Opie and Chibs can check out the new place and report back."


Later that evening, Jameson opened her front door to find the police chief, Wayne Unser, standing there looking nervous. As she stepped back to let him in, he did a quick scan of the street before walking in and allowing her to shut the door.

"Wayne, this is a surprise. What can I do for you?"

He looked at her, frowning slightly. "Yeah, I'm not thrilled to be here either, considering Clay lives right down the street, but I thought you should know that Jax Teller stopped by the office today, wanting information on the owners of The Double Deuce."

Jameson sat down on the couch and shrugged. "And? I assume you didn't tell him anything?"

Wayne shook his head as he went to look out the window. "No, but if Clay is interested it's only a matter of time before he finds out what he wants to know. Namely, who owns the club and what's running out of it."

"Nothing I do concerns Clay Morrow. I'm out of the town limits, and therefore out of his area of interest. Besides, nothing is running out of the club."

Wayne shrugged. "I'm just sayin... if you're planning on running illegal firearms or drugs through there... "

Jameson cut him off. "Seriously? No, Wayne, I'm not doing either. Shit! I have no interest in guns and you and I both know what drugs did to my mother. I'm sure as hell not interested in feeding anyone else's habit."

Wayne sighed, looking out the window again. "Then what are you doing?" He turned to look at her with a grin. "You're the daughter of SAMCRO. I know something is going on besides booze."

Jameson chuckled. "Some numbers out of the back room. Maybe some girls... "

Wayne rubbed his forehead. "Jesus, Jamie! Prostitution is almost as bad as drugs to Clay."

Jameson lit a cigarette and shrugged. "It's on a trial basis, just to see how it goes over. Besides, as I said before, it's none of Clay's business."

"We both know he's going to make it his business. You want a piece of friendly advice?" He waited for Jameson to nod before continuing. "If he offers you a partnership, you take it. You and I both know that it's never a bad thing to have the boys in your corner."

Jameson snorted. "I don't need a partnership with anyone, thanks. I'm good the way I am."

Wayne walked toward the door. "Well, just think it over. Why make things harder than they need to be?"

He opened the door to go out and almost ran into Jax. The younger man grinned and nodded to Wayne as they passed each other. "Saw the cruiser, thought something was wrong."

Jameson shook her head. "No. Wayne just stopped by to welcome me back to town."

Wayne just grinned and nodded. "Yup, that's exactly what I was doing. You two have a nice evening."

After the door closed behind the officer, Jameson looked at Jax and grinned. "Why are you really here?"

Jax grinned the crooked grin that always made Jameson laugh. "I was concerned as I said." She just continued to stare at him until he finally chuckled. "Ok, maybe I wanted to stop by and chat."

Jameson sighed as she got up to go to the kitchen. "Beer?" Jax nodded and followed her to the other room. After handing him a bottle and pouring herself a glass of wine, she leaned against the counter. "What's on your mind, Jax?"

Jax took a sip of his beer before blowing out a breath and shaking his head. "You need to tell Tig you're here."

Jameson cursed under her breath. "Look, I don't see why it should matter to him if I'm back or not."

Jax just stared at her. "Seriously? Don't you? Cause I sure as hell do. You twisted him up when you left. Now, I know that you had no choice in the matter, but still... he needs to hear it from you, not anyone else."

Jameson lit another cigarette and took a healthy swig of wine. "I hear you, Jax. It's just... I was twisted up too."

Jax nodded and threw his now empty bottle in the garbage. He stopped in the doorway and turned to look at her. "That's why. If you're both twisted... you tell him, or I will."

The Double Deuce (Part Five Of For The Love Of Charming)Where stories live. Discover now