11. Just Talking

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Third Person POV
Ivan slid down the banisters next to the stairs. He told Emilio to stay where he was as his face was covered in tears. His hand was still bloodied and messy. Ivan ran to the door just in time as Kyle was about to open it.

"Its just my food, I got it bro" he said out of breath. Kyle nodded not thinking anything of it, and went back into the living room. Ivan looked around to see if anyone was paying attention to him. Once satisfied that no one was peeping, he opened the door to see a familar girl with a worried face.

"Oh my god Emilio are you okay?!" She leaped onto Ivan and hugged him tight.

"Yo Girl, Girl, stop! I'm not Emilio. Quick come inside before someone sees you" Ellie let go rather quickly feeling insanely embarrassed. Ivan shut the door and grabbed her wrist. It wasn't as tight as Emilio's grip from earlier, Ivan held her just to guide her to the bathroom.

Once at the doorframe of the bathroom, Ivan noticed Emilio wasn't there.

"Ivan!" The boy turned round to his name and saw Emilio standing at their bedroom door. Ellie and Ivan quick ran over. Without even thinking, Ellie repeated what she did downstairs. She squeezed Emilio tight. And to Ivan's suprise, Emilio hugged back, maybe even tighter. Ivan was so shocked but he didn't want to ruin the moment. He heard someone walking up the stairs so he pushed the two love birds into the room and shut the door. He stood outside the door, letting his older brother and the girl he liked have time to talk things out without getting interrupted.

Emilio and Ellie stopped hugging shortly after only to be left in an awkward silence. Ellie fiddled with her fingers while Emilio stood there scratching the back of his neck. He was never in a situation to apologize. My mistake, he would be in a situation to apologize but he would never actually feel sorry, most times he wouldn't even say sorry he'd just walk away. Emilio could feel his heart beating crazily in his chest. He was actually speechless. Ellie looked up from her fingers to see Emilio looking like he was about to have the most important exam of his life. He was sweating, nervous and didn't want to make eye contact so Ellie decided to break the silence.

"Emilio" she said quietly, "I'm not mad at you or anything. I'll admit you scared the living shit out of me. And you gave me this horrible bruise-" Emilio quickly looked up hearing the last word. He looked at her but couldn't find a bruise. Ellie saw him looking and pulled up her sleeve to show him her dark wrist. He gently took her hand and stared at it carefully. She continued talking,

"Everyone's been telling me you're an awful person. But when I met you properly you were the exact opposite of what people said about you. You let me stay in your bed just so I wouldn't get hurt or lost walking home. You gave me your clothes so I wouldn't look stupid in my tutu. You also offered to give me a ride home. Then things went bad, all I wanted to do was hold your hand. The same thing that you were doing to me just 2 minutes before. You completely changed in a matter of 5 seconds, just so you wouldn't look 'soft' in front of your friends. Why do you do that Emilio? You do know everyone talks shit behind your back when you act like that?"

There was a long pause. Emilio didn't know how to answer that. He knew people talked about him, that's what he wanted. People to be scared of him. But after hearing this he wasn't sure if he wanted that anymore. He felt that Ellie was more important. And if she wasn't happy with this person he was neither was he.

"I-I don't know" he answered after a while, "I just, I feel stupid if I don't act like that. Like people will take advantage of me. You see when I was a little younger something happened and it completely changed me. I changed everything about me and no one ever said crap to me. I've never gotten hurt like that again. I can't trust people. The only person I've ever trusted was my brother. If I didn't have him I would have no one. Now you're here and I don't know, there's something about you that makes me feel different"

Ellie's heart was pounding. Emilio had just spilled his heart out to her. She wondered what happened to him when he was younger. She decided not to ask incase it brought back bad memories to him. As she was just about to talk to him, Ivan loudly talked outside the door,

"Yo Emilio, are you finished with your thing so WE can come in?"

"Ugh ya! Hold on two seconds bro" he answered and spun around to Ellie.

"Quick! You have to climb out the window and onto that big branch, stay flat down. Be careful!" He whispered to her. Ellie was so confused but she guessed that other members wanted to come in and talk to Emilio so she did what he asked. Once she was out and in her position on the branch, Emilio kept the window open but closed the blind.

Ellie heard a couple boys walk into the room, she listened into their conversation.

"Dude hey are you okay? You completely shattered the mirror in the bathroom not to mention your hand"

"Yea I was just fighting with some guy and I got frustrated, it's nothing to worry about"

"Must've been intense, you were acting differently. Normally you would start wrecking the house if your were mad and make us join in. This time you didn't want to be around anyone, are you sure your okay?"

"Yea Bryson, thanks man"

The boys stopped talking and Ellie heard a TV turn on,

"No no no uhm guys... what are you doing?" She heard Emilio or Ivan ask.

"We're playing xbox cmon I'll play ya" an unfamiliar voice said.

"Uhh really? Can't you guys just go downstairs for tonight?"

"Why? You bringin' a girl over Emi? There's a party a couple blocks down I'm sure there's some chicks down there you can fuck"

There was quietness and the only sounds were coming from the video game. Had Emilio left Ellie  out there and forgot about her? Ellie was having so many thoughts while lying there till someone spoke up, rather loudly.

"Well guys Imma head out and get food, I'll talk to you guys later" This was Emilio talking. Ellie sat up and looked at the tree. How the hell was she supposed to get down? Just as she said that in her head a face popped out of the window, scaring the living crap out of her. It was Ivan.

"Put your foot on that branch and you'll find your way. Go around to the front door, Emilio is waiting for you. Take care of him for me. See ya" He whispered quietly and stuck his head back in quickly. Ellie listened to Ivan's advice and got down the tree safely. She scrapped her leg a little but it was fine.

She walked along the edge of the house till she got to the front. As she headed to the front door a whistle caught her attention. She looked over to where it came from and it was Emilio smiling over at his car. Ellie smiled back wondering what was going to happen now.


But so many comments on the last chapter! That means so much! So many of you are dying to hear the rest of this story ❤️

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