Two: I Have To Go

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Rin opens the door to the small apartment. He strolls in, he and his brother hold the door for me.

The living room looks like it has been lived in, it looks as if lots of people visit. There are soda cans everywhere yet that doesn't take away the homely feel to the place. There are two sofas and an armchair where Shiro's familiar Kuro lays sleeping curled up in a ball like a cat would.

"Do you mind if I unwind?" Rin asks. I cock a brow.

"You're talking about...your tail?" I ask. He nods, running his hand through his hair.

"Nii-san." Yukio chides his older brother. "What sort of question is that?"

"A question is a question." Rin replies. "And she's an exorcist; it's not like she doesnn't know about tails on half breeds."

"Tails on most demons." I correct. I should know. Tails are a demon's weak point; that and their heart.

"So, is it okay?" he asks

"It's fine. Just tell me when I can turn back around." I shrug, turning around to face the door, closing it since neither boy did.

"You can look now." Rin laughs, I slowly turn my head, making sure my bangs don't show my ears. His tail is swishing behind him as if he's a happy dog.

"N'aww." I patronise.

The two boys lead me into the kitchen. It looks simply like a normal kitchen. Creamish lemon wallpaper with cabinets lining the walls. There is a dishwasher as well as a sink and a washing machine. However there is an abnormal feature to this kitchen; there is a huge stove with ideal functions for cooking high quality meals; clearly one of the two enjoys to cook.

Ring. Ring.

"I bet that's Bon." Rin walks out of the room. He talks for a bit but I pay little attention to him.

"Would you like to sit down." The younger of the pair; Yukio offers.

I nod, bowing politely since it is Japan and sit down on the chair the is holding the back of. He tucks the chair in and sits down on the other side of me.

"Thea...'Nix sorry." he ducks his head. "I'm sure you've got hundreds of questions. But I need to tell you something first."

"Oh?" I cock a brow.

"My father and your father were friends. My father told me that if something were to bring you here I am to take you under my wing. Your father was a brave man... 'Nix and I'm sure you want to avenge him. Rin was the same when our father died. He died five years ago." Yukio says calmly.

"...Shiro's dead?" I cock a brow. "...How?"

"He was posessed by Satan." Yukio hangs his head.

"I'm sorry." I look at the floor

"At least I knew; at least I knew how and why, you know neither." he puts his hand on my shoulder. I tilt my head and smile at him, lips together. I hear him gasp and immediately begin to push my hair around.

"You too?" he asks.

Ring. Ring. I wonder when Rin hung up the last call. I shrug. Those boys sure are popular.

"I've got it!" Yukio's older brother calls.

"Me too what?" I feign innocence.

"It must have been nothing. Would you like a drink?" I am offered. I nod.

"Oi! Yukio!" Rin hollers

"What is it Nii-san?" his more stoic younger brother replies.

"Shemi said is it okay for her to come over?" Rin shouts from the hallway.

"Hi Yuki-chan!" a bubbily cute voice chimes.

"Shemi-san feel free to come over." Yukio replies.

"Yuki-chan." I giggle.

"That's a long story." Yukio replies as his brother leaves the room.

"What would you like to drink?" he asks me.

"Water is perfect." I smile.

"Right." he turns on the tap and gets me a glass of water.

"Thank you Yukio."

"Don't drink it!" the voice in my head cautions. "What if it's poisoned or something?"

"What are you talking about? Our fathers were friends!" I snap. Out loud. Blush stains my cheeks as the two brothers look at me.

"Errr..." I burry my head in my hands.

"You too!" Rin is bound to be grinning.

"I thought my eyes were playing tricks on me." Yukio muses.

"Stop it!" I command. "Stop looking at them." I cover my ears with my hands. "I'm insecure alright!"

"You shouldn't be." Rin assures.

"We don't mind." Yukio shrugs.

"Surely you would mind us more." the older of the pair adds.

"React!" the voice in my head commands, trying to control my arm. I take hold of it before I can cause a scene.

"Show the sons of satan what you're made of." the voice shouts.

"No!" I yell out loud.

"Thea." Yukio puts his hand on my shoulder.

"Cause some damage! Let them know you don't need their help!" I am shriejed at metally.

"'Nix?" Rin sounds concerned also.

"Get out of my head!" I snarl mentally. I close my eyes and face the demonic version of myself, creating a circle of flames around myself to stop myself being controlled. It will keep that demonic voice back for now but not for long.

"I'm sorry." I stand up, turning to leave. "I'm really sorry. I'm sorry about Shiro and I'm sorry about you guys being ridiculed all around the world. I'm just sorry. I'm also sorry that I have to go right now before I do something stupid."

"Thea!" Yukio calls out to me. I ignore him.

"'Nix?" Rin sounds baffled.

I open the door to the apartment and leave with haste. Once off of that street I call Ryouta.

"Ryouta I'm doomed." I tell his answering machine.

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