Nine: Ultimatum

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My eyes flash open.

I'm in a car.

"Hello?" I groan.

"Morning." I hiccup upon hearing the chipper voice of my cousin.

"Where are we going?" I ask.

"The Okumura boys, a blonde, Shura and a boy with a blond streak in his hair literally carried you home.

"I'm not that heavy." I huff.

"No, you're not but the others didn't want to leave you alone until you were home. The Okumura boy, the older one, Rin was holding you while the others, par Shura were behind him, because you could have fallen." I am informed.

"Oh." I sit up. I hear what sounds like leather on leather. I wasn't wearing leather.

"Ryouta, did I change?" I ask.

"You were really out of it but es you did change." his eyes flicker fro the road to my lap. I look to my lap too and see my special blade. The blade that father had made for me. The blade I had kept hidden.

"Where did you find this?" I demand, fingers caressing the smooth golden clasp shaped like a phoenix.

"Your bedroom." he shrugs.

"Ryouta...are you alright?" I ask. "Your stare looks...vacant and your eyes are dead."

"Thanks for the commentary." he snaps.

"Sorry Ryouta...where are we going?" I ask.

"Somebody wants to make a deal with you 'Nix." I cock a brow at his reply. A deal? With me?

I try to run my fingers through my hair but it's up! My hands clamp over my ears. "WHY is my hair up!"

"I tied it up. He wants to see your pretty face." I crinkle my nose in disgust. My ears! I hate my ears!

"And my blade is here because?" I ask.

"WILL YOU STOP ASKING QUESTIONS!" I flinch at the harsh orders from my cousin.

"Ryouta..." I murur.

"WHAT NOW!" he shouts.

"Jun died." I state, looking out of the window; the clouds are grey and dark, swirling around in an ominous way. Is it evening? It's warm. Maybe there's to be a storm soon...

"I saw it on the news; three shots, one to the arm, one to the heart and one to the head." Ryouta looks disinterested in the murder of his iformant and friend.

"All from behind." I mutter.

We park in a mult-storey warehouse carpark. The lights are flickering and there is an annoying buzzing sound. There is a leak somewhere and I can smell car fuel. I wonder what this place made...

"Out of the car 'Nix." Ryouta commands. I nod, getting out, looking at my outfit in disgust. It looks like something worse than what I would need to wear to get into Jun's bar.

"AND. THE. SWORD." he snarls. I jump backward in alarm, opening the door of the sleek mercedes that we had come here in and take my blade from the seat.

I follow my cousin up twelve flights of stairs. The staircase is the colour of cream and the bright lights hurt my eyes. My legs and feet are aching since these thigh high boots are pinching and rubbing my feet.

I groan as he pushes the top door open. This had better have been worth it.

I look around. I'm on the roof of the warehouse! This place looks mosterous from up here. The height is daunting. I'm a panting, sweating, aching mess.

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