Dear Diary,
It is the first day of the New Year,January 1st!! Also guess what! We're moving. Christmas went well,we went to the Cullen Mansion.We didn't have "Santa" come,because they are still SO little. Though me and Jake got them some presents. We had a white Christmas! There was a snowstorm so we bundled up the twins and ran over to the Cullen Mansion. Seth and Leah came over too. Rosalie wasn't happy about having wolves over,because they would 'never' get the smell out. My mom loved her present from me. She said it was the best present she got. My dad liked his too. Every one liked or loved the presents. Janessie and E.J were holding their blankets in one of their little hands. The twins got many presents! Mostly stuffed animals or toys. Jacob gave me a picture frame of me as a baby through now. Everything was in it,just to let you know it was a HUGE picture frame. It was a big party. Seth would like not leave Janessie's side. Leah wouldn't leave E.J's side! It was driving me absolutely crazy! Jacob wasn't happy with them following our babies around. My mom freaked out when she learned my babies were imprinted on! She told me it was like when Jacob imprinted on me when I wasn't even hours old,that was after she was done freaking out. It was a nice Christmas. Esme even cooked food for Leah,Seth,Jacob,and me. I just love Esme. She just adores the twins. My sweet little babies didn't cry that much. We stayed late it was until about 9:30 at night. The babies were sleeping,then Carlisle announced the news. He said
"We're moving to Maine. We can't stay here much longer people are probably starting to notice. Jacob and Renesmee you both can stay here if you want-" Dad cut him off and said "They have to come with us! Renesmee is not an adult. She will come with us!"
Mom said "Yes she's married to Jacob,but she is STILL a teenager she is only 16!"
I looked at Jacob he said
"Yea Ness. We're going to have to move with them. The twins probably won't even remember they were born across the country."
I said "Fine! We'll move with you! When are we moving,so we can start packing?"
Alice said "January 20th. I for see you and Jacob with the twins packing up soon." I rolled my eyes. Foresee...really?
Jacob said "The twins are falling into a deep sleep we should get going. Plus the snowstorm is getting worse!!" We said goodbye to everyone and thanked them for the presents. Mom came with us to help carry the gifts,because Jacob and I had to carry the twins. She(mom) put the presents by our Christmas tree. Then she hugged me and kissed Janessie and E.J's foreheads. Then she left. Jacob and I took the babies upstairs and put them in their cribs. I went and took a hot shower,so hot that I could actually feel the hot water. Then I changed into a Snowflake printed nightgown. Guess who got me the nightgown? Yep it was my Aunt,Alice! Jacob also took a shower and put on a wolf shirt and pants. I laughed. He said
"Hey Ness. It's a gift!" I smiled and kissed him. Then we went to bed.
Days passed and it became New Years Eve. Again we went to the Cullen Mansion to have a little party. Alice had decorated the house with the help of JASPER and they put "Happy New Year" banners up. They also got party hats. And silly string. When we arrived Emmett sprayed some silly string at me!
Alice screamed "EMMETT McCARTY CULLEN THAT'S FOR LATER! MEANING MIDNIGHT" He laughed and sprayed some at Alice. Alice lost it and started chasing Emmett and they started fighting. That was until Jasper used his 'gift' on them to calm them down. To make matters worse they also had noise makers and some firecrackers(luckily for outside). Jacob and I groaned when we saw them. Alice suddenly started starring off into space and gasped. Dad said
"NO!" Then they both said never mind. I never mind-ed . E.J started crying because he needed a diaper change. Alice came over to us and put hats on our heads(not the twins though) She had little "Happy New Year" baby shirts and said
"Wanna put on the babies?" Jacob said
"Fine! Then we changed their shirts. They both started crying when we changed their shirts.
I said to them "Blame your Great Aunt Alice" they both smiled. When Alice came over to say how cute they are. She bent down to their level and Janessie and E.J both hit Alice at the same time. Everyone started laughing!" Alice glared at me and said
"You are such a bad influence on them! Telling them to HIT me."
Jacob said "She said BLAME your Great Aunt Alice! Not hit her" He chuckled. Alice shook her head in disapproval. Time passed by and everyone was forced to go outside in the 1foot of snow to set off the firecrackers. I told her the babies would be scared. She told us to stay on the patio and they would go out further to set them off. They ran out further and set off some firecrackers. They were REALLY loud. Janessie and E.J started crying. I tried to sooth them,but they kept crying until Jacob went to tell Alice to stop. Alice supposedly said "Okay,but remember they hit me!" then she pretended to cry. Esme said "Alice Cullen!! They are babies. Also Renesmee is your niece so you should be kind to her."
Emmett added in "Alice want ME to hit you? It would be much harder then you could experience a good hard hit."
Rosalie said "Emmett!! You will not hit anyone." Emmett chuckled. Alice said
"Haha Emmett. You may be bigger than me,but did YOU save Bella by RIPPING off James's head!? Emmett gave her the 'You'll pay for that look' . E.J was still crying and Janessie feel asleep. I was rocking E.J back and forth trying to get him to fall asleep. So after about 10minutes me and Jacob went back to our house. I found some blood and tried to feed it to E.J , surprisingly he LIKED the blood. Great my house is going to need a blood bank. I'm SO tired so I'm going to go get in bed with Jake now...or not,the twins are crying. I'll be up for a while.