Almost Time

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Dear Diary,

Only three more weeks until my due date! The doctor said that since I'm having triplets I'll probably go into labor earlier than my due date. Also, I'm stuck on bed rest. It's really annoying but I don't want to endanger my babies. E.J will often come into my room with some of his cars and ask me to play with him. He'll climb up onto the bed next to me and roll a car or two over my stomach. He told me that my tummy is a big hill for cars and trucks to go over. Such a funny little guy I have. Janessie just likes to cuddle up next to me and talk to me or the babies. She'll lean over and kiss my stomach and say "I love you babies." One day, Jacob had the camera and was just coming to our room and saw Janessie giving the babies a "kiss" and took a picture. It's a really cute picture.
My mom and Alice often come over to help me while Jacob is at work. Such as getting the twins and me food,getting the twins dressed or undressed, and helping me get up out of bed to use the restroom(since I'm so big I wobble). Alice has so many different outfits for the twins and for the triplets when they're born. All the clothes range from newborn to a 5-year-old's size. No joke I don't think I'll need to ever get them clothes for a while. Mom loves to play with the twins so does Esme when she comes over. The nursery is all done and I didn't work on it much. You might be able to guess who other than Jacob did. Alice. I'd be laying in bed and they'd be bickering about where to put furniture and what to decorate the walls with. One time, Rose had come over to see what they were arguing about and got a paintbrush and smacked them both with it. It was quite amusing to see them covered in paint.
Even though I've given birth before I still worry that something horrible will happen. The babies are healthy but I still am scared with the same worries I had with Janessie and E.J. Because I'm huge, I get scared when I'm getting up to walk. Scared that I'll hit something and hurt my babies. They kick a lot. I swear these triplets wrestle at night and mainly at night. I usually sleep during the day when the "night triplets" aren't kicking my ribs and playing. They've earned the name as 'the little wrestlers'. I can't wait until they're born and I can hold them in my arms and they can see their older siblings. Though, I'm afraid that E.J and Janessie will get jealous of the triplets even though they love them now. I won't be able to give those two as much attention since, three new babies are coming into the world. It scares me that I'm 17 and about to have five children under the age of two. Now diary, wouldn't you be frightened too?


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