{4} breakfast with the devil

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- Sophie's -

"Are you coming home late?" Harry asked his mother as he sipped on his cup of orange juice. His eyes never leaving his phone as he casually scrolled through it.

Mrs Styles was stirring her cup of coffee and placing it in a to-go cup. She was constantly looking at the wall clock as she quickly sipped some of her boiling coffee into her mouth. How was is possible that she didn't burn her tongue, amazes people.

"Not too late. I'll be back by ten." she answered Harry, picking up her handbag. "Your dad's been really busy at the office so I'm pretty sure his conference room has become his new bedroom." she joked as Harry smiled slightly to it.

There was a comfortable silence as Mrs Styles placed the teaspoon in the sink and hopped over to the island in the middle of the kitchen. She picked up her phone, scrolling through it slightly.

"I better go. Tell your sister that dinner's a box of mac and cheese, if that child ever goes home." she sighed as she straightened her hair with her hands, ruffling through it to make it effortless. "I'll be gone now." She kissed the top of Harry's head before rushing out the door.

Harry simply lifted up his hand to wave at his mother slightly before the door banged shut loudly, a small silence creeping up in the house. "You can come out now." Harry called out to me.

I slowly emerged from the top of the stairs, looking out to see Mrs Styles closing the door to her vehicle. Right until she backed out of the driveway, I wasn't going to make my appearance downstairs. By the time she was gone, I felt a wave of relief go over me.

Skipping down the stairs, I made do with the clothes I had in my bag from the previous night. It was a pair of dark jeans and a tank top - nothing fancy since I'm always on the road. 

From there, I didn't really care about how I looked, to be honest. "Morning." he greeted me as I joined him in the island. 

"Morning." I responded back, looking around the kitchen, feeling a little hungry.

"Here." he motioned, passing me his bowl of cereal which was untouched. Wow, he actually made breakfast for me.

I looked down at it, questioning his sudden kindness. "Umm..." I mumbled, still confused at the bowl of cereal.

He rolled his eyes at me, putting down his phone. "You eat it, smartass." he retorted rudely, reminding me that he isn't a saint for no reason. He's always going to be rude no matter what situation it is. Well, sorry if I seem a little dumbfounded - it isn't everyday that I see him trying to be nice to me.

"I know what I'm supposed to do, asshat." 

He flashed a sarcastic smile to me, bringing back his phone to his face. "I hope you're planning to walk your way to school." he guessed, not meeting my stare.

I wasn't expecting any special treatment from him anyway. It's enough that he's renting me his attic, for free I must add, what else would I be expecting from him? Plus, the school is only a few blocks away so walking seemed conventional than just wasting money on gas.

He must have seen my serious look on my face because soon he was giving me a look. "Miss Perfect, I was joking." he spoke up. "I would gladly take you and your princess ass to school."

"You don't have to." I insisted.

"I don't." he repeated. "But it's 8.30 already and we both know if you walked to school, you'll be late." he informed me, a small smirk forming on his face. Great, arguments between facts wouldn't lead to anything anyway.

I settled in for my cereal, eating it silently. Living with the bad boy was a burden. Except it wasn't him that was the burden... It was me.


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